"openpandora" Is The Name Being Used By Another Online Proje

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The world would collapse in on itself and all existence as we know it would cease to be, replaced only by a giant, glowing, box emblem emitting a variety of eclectic musical noise.
WoD said:
The world would collapse in on itself and all existence as we know it would cease to be, replaced only by a giant, glowing, box emblem emitting a variety of eclectic musical noise.

That's deep man.
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WoD said:
The world would collapse in on itself and all existence as we know it would cease to be, replaced only by a giant, glowing, box emblem emitting a variety of eclectic musical noise.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
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CandidStan said:
:o What if the two communities collaborate and release OpenPandora on the Pandora?
WoD said:
The world would collapse in on itself and all existence as we know it would cease to be, replaced only by a giant, glowing, box emblem emitting a variety of eclectic musical noise.

So it's like throwing a bag of holding into a portable hole.
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Frogboy said:
CandidStan said:
:o What if the two communities collaborate and release OpenPandora on the Pandora?
WoD said:
The world would collapse in on itself and all existence as we know it would cease to be, replaced only by a giant, glowing, box emblem emitting a variety of eclectic musical noise.

So it's like throwing a bag of holding into a portable hole.

The explosion usually kills the user?
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No, usually you just end up destroying both items and instantly find yourself (and the rest of the party if they were nearby) on the Astral plane due to a dimensional rip caused by the sudden coexistence of two overlapping extradimensional spaces. As with anything though, it's the DMs call.
Frogboy said:
No, usually you just end up destroying both items and instantly find yourself (and the rest of the party if they were nearby) on the Astral plane due to a dimensional rip caused by the sudden coexistence of two overlapping extradimensional spaces. As with anything though, it's the DMs call.
So I take it we wouldn't reach maximum velocity in an infinite loop?
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CandidStan said:
Frogboy said:
No, usually you just end up destroying both items and instantly find yourself (and the rest of the party if they were nearby) on the Astral plane due to a dimensional rip caused by the sudden coexistence of two overlapping extradimensional spaces. As with anything though, it's the DMs call.
So I take it we wouldn't reach maximum velocity in an infinite loop?

Again, DMs call. :)
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