OpenGL and Vulkan driver of the pyra


Advanced Member
Oct 18, 2009
The Unreal Engine 4 is very promising and supports different render backends. Which one are supported by the Pyra?

In general I am interested which of these are working (OpenGL 1.x most will most likely work with via glshim, right?)

OpenGL 1.x
OpenGL 2.x
OpenGL ES 2.x
OpenGL ES 3.x
The Unreal Engine 4
My attempt at compiling the engine failed, it seems to have a lot of hooks claiming it needs a 64-bit processor, but when googling people are making 32bit armhf ports for Android so maybe I need to find Android and not PC sources to play with. It's likely above my skill grade to port it, or at least it's more effort than I could afford to deal with.
My bad, I forgot we got a 32 Bit CPU. Damn, porting software in UE4 is done as easy as clicking on "shipping for linux".