Super Duper Mega GP Mania
I thought I'd post this up since it's now feature complete (at least enough for a first release).
I've written an entirely new GP2X bootloader from scratch, which can do a few things the original u-boot can't like loading bare metal executable files (more on this to come), kernels and even other bootloaders from SD. It may even be a little faster to boot.
You can still boot (directly if you wish) into whatever Linux firmware you like, and flash new kernels to NAND. This isn't exactly a new release of the Open2x firmware, just the bootloader.
One binary works on all GP2X models, both F100 and F200 (NOT Wiz, Caanoo or F300).
Of course you can brick your GP2X installing this, and getting JTAG working to recover them seems easy on some units, horribly unreliable on others, so you do so at your own risk.
Download gp2xboot.img here: https://github.com/Orkie/open2x-bootloader/releases/tag/v1.0
Instructions on installing and use here: https://github.com/Orkie/open2x-bootloader/wiki

I've written an entirely new GP2X bootloader from scratch, which can do a few things the original u-boot can't like loading bare metal executable files (more on this to come), kernels and even other bootloaders from SD. It may even be a little faster to boot.
You can still boot (directly if you wish) into whatever Linux firmware you like, and flash new kernels to NAND. This isn't exactly a new release of the Open2x firmware, just the bootloader.
One binary works on all GP2X models, both F100 and F200 (NOT Wiz, Caanoo or F300).
Of course you can brick your GP2X installing this, and getting JTAG working to recover them seems easy on some units, horribly unreliable on others, so you do so at your own risk.
Download gp2xboot.img here: https://github.com/Orkie/open2x-bootloader/releases/tag/v1.0
Instructions on installing and use here: https://github.com/Orkie/open2x-bootloader/wiki