Onlive for Android just released


Retro game fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
Fort Knox, KY. USA

Just saw this... can't wait to order a controller for my ASUS Transformer

would be pretty cool on the pandora

EDIT: OH SNAP! onscreen controls playing now! lego batman smooth as hell!

EDIT2: titan quest... keyboard + mouse support... this shit is awesome!
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Craig.. good call, see if you can ride that coat-tail :)

Client doesn't work in Canada or I'd try it out :/

So is there any way to use the iCP with this? Or are they going with some custom route?
Id like to know this.

you can buy their controller but apparently most bt keyboard and mice work and they support other gamepads too, even the 360 one is supposed to work (via usb ofc) so hopefully will be fine.
The icp does work with on live but you have to use USB/but centre and create on screen controls for each title you would like to play. Also the only way to get the universal control pad to work with android is if your running the latest ics and you have to buy a micro USB adaptor to connect the universal controller receiver to the phone (unless your using a tablet not a phone) I have spoke with someone from on live briefly and they indicated that they would not be looking to release the app for anything other than android and iPad/phone in the future or at least until they were completely happy with the apps as the android version is still doesn't have all the features there console currently has, which is where there main focus is at this moment in time.

I have also contacted jean-sebastien Roger the lead developer for kainy giving a brief over view of the openpandora project and the people involved to see what his views on the possibility of releasing kainy on the Pandora once he has completed all of his current work with the Android and iPad app, this would be a while off I would imagine, if in the unlikely event he was willing to have a stab at the Pandora as he has quite a large list of features he is currently working on and would like to implement in the future.
I can not confirm completely but according to there website it will work on tablets supporting the latest ics build and there are videos on YouTube of people using it on there ics tablets. It does work on the note set up in tablet mode with ics, so I would imagine you should be good to go, to play it safe I would consider purchacing the on live console (which comes with a controller) as it costs virtually the same as the universal controller does by itself, at least then you can still use on live if it doesn't support your tablet and if it does work with your tablet you could wack the console on eBay and recuperate some of your money. That's what I did then decided to keep the console as not all on live games are currently supported by the android app. However there is still a nice game library to date and its only going to get larger.


I think the key to the tablet is going to be if you have a normal USB slot rather than a micro USB you should be good
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Now this is a reason to get Android working on the Pandora! I don't know if the Pandoras wifi would be fast enough though?
Righty, in my post above I stated I had tried to contact jean-sebastien rogers about the excellent work he has done with his kainy project.

Well he has very kindly replied with a rather encouraging message. The email basically explains that his current intentions is to port kainy to as many platforms as he possibly can, and the openpandora is one of those which he has already considered. What I actually found most encouraging is that he talks about the pandora console in high regards and gives of the impression he is a fan of the console. He also stated his please in the open Pandora supporting neon instructions and that 95% of his code has been done in c++/c/assembly, and he thinks that he could easily port kainy to the pandora.

He has stated that his intention is he is going to finish his current project on HD/native resolution. Then he is going to finish his work on for iOS. After those two projects are finished off he is going to check if porting to the Pandora is going to be as simple as he is anticipating and will pick it up from there.

Again Jean is just one guy working a big project so I don't anticipate anything soon, but it is very encouraging to hear his plans for the future and the fact he's already looked into the Pandora off his own back.
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I can not confirm completely but according to there website it will work on tablets supporting the latest ics build and there are videos on YouTube of people using it on there ics tablets. It does work on the note set up in tablet mode with ics, so I would imagine you should be good to go, to play it safe I would consider purchacing the on live console (which comes with a controller) as it costs virtually the same as the universal controller does by itself, at least then you can still use on live if it doesn't support your tablet and if it does work with your tablet you could wack the console on eBay and recuperate some of your money. That's what I did then decided to keep the console as not all on live games are currently supported by the android app. However there is still a nice game library to date and its only going to get larger.


I think the key to the tablet is going to be if you have a normal USB slot rather than a micro USB you should be good

Thanks bro, I'll do some more research via YouTube. Cheers. :)