
I found one variation with a real D-Pad:

Does anyone know this shop? Are they reliable?
Fishbong posted on Aug 4 2006 at 10:09 PM said:
Thats not true. They say it can play MD with the MD cartridge, which is yet to be released.

IF it will ever be released is another question ;)

Well, it looks like the MD cartridge was released. Success-HK has it in stock, but I seriously don't know how it works. Those pictures are confusing.
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that thing looks very intersting. at first...

I looked at the pictures and info and here's my opinion and comment:

- I don't see why it can't play NES,SNES,MD,TG16 or anything on it. because the "console" unit is pretty much just a monitor and controller. The "brain/game chips" are on the cart. so you can pretty much put anything on the cart. it's like the Mouse/keyboard/monitor for your PC. it's independant of what it can/can't do it's just the display and input.

- The console it self looks nice but having the cart sticking out like that makes it looks fugly and not pocketable. at least very awkard in your pocket.

- If you look at the game list that comes with the NES cart all the games are simple straight forward games 1st generation NES. nothing complicated or anything deep like zelda or metroid. I do'nt think this thing can handle save games. so forget about games like RPGs

- Still at only $49.99 it's a darn good deal and alot better cost/game quality wise tan the VG max.
elan posted on Dec 2 2006 at 06:45 AM said:
Do you have one? :huh:
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SatanClaus posted on Aug 9 2006 at 06:15 AM said:
Shikaku posted on Aug 9 2006 at 03:28 AM said:
It IS a pack of chinese lies: it's just a connector to connect these


Interesting. It looks like this adapter contains a MD-on-a-Chip and those roms are loaded from the modules. It's a shame that there is no way to play real cartridges.

If it's MD-on-a-chip, Ben Heck's Nes on a chip thingy might be similar, if you really want it to play carts.
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Jarska333 posted on Jul 26 2006 at 04:16 AM said:
"LCD resolution: 960px x 240px, 26000 colors per pixel"

Damn, that's big screen. :o ;)

Ooo, they allready have a MD adapter for it... Wonder what's inside that thing, anyways... NOAC, surely...

960px is a lie. They must just figure, with all the talk of widescreen these days, the wider the better. :P That's why they didn't exaggerate the vertical resolution.

Take a look at their logic.
320 pixels = 320 x An RGB triad of 3 subpixels PER pixel = 960 pixels

Very deceptive.

EDIT: ah, someone else's noticed already. And why is this old thread bumped...
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