I say that the longer the break between videos, the more outrageous ED has to act in the next one. He's going to have to be wearing a silver one-piece leotard in the latest one.
I say that the longer the break between videos, the more outrageous ED has to act in the next one. He's going to have to be wearing a silver one-piece leotard in the latest one.
This. I have really liked the videos in general but some of them tend more to be about what is being emulated (i.e. the games) rather than the how/why of the Pandora and it's emulators itself. Showing gameplay is good if it's for a pandora related reason but otherwise it's generic footage that doesn't actually demonstrate anything. All IMHO of course!
Thanks for these vids ED, certainly wetted my appetite for my Pandora. 2+ years wait and the excitment was dwindling but you have refueled my fire and I feel like a kid at xmas planning on what to run first.
Loving the old retro stuff, C64 in particular. If you do more of these I'd love to see some speccy stuff, from what I know fuse has been ported.
Jet Set Willy on the loo, does it really get any better!!
vid-a-weekend sounds like a good idea, though i dont think ed is in the tv studio on weekends. i would still like many videos showing off pandoras capabilities, for all i care they dont have to be of such high quality if they take 4 hours...
as i said in post above yours, in a tv studio, ED's dayjob is something along the lines of video editor for some tv channel in germany if im not mistaken, which is the reason why his videos are of such high quality
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