Old School Nick Shows

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alex or somin.the person could turn into siliver liquid.

and the old school all that
rockos madern lif ahhhhhh real monster invader zim angry beavers and brothers flub
mattmagoo posted on Oct 8 2004 at 08:17 PM said:
generalnmx posted on Oct 6 2004 at 11:47 PM said:
Yes, the Sonic: Freedom Fighters cartoon (very similiar to one of the Sonic comics of Europe) was the best Sonic animation in my opinion. I forgot, did they actually release them on VHS? Since I heard there was some type of problem, and they couldn't release it. I am thankful to have all the episodes in RealMedia format, although the quality is as crappy as can be.

Thats called sonic undergroud over here

the adventures of Sonic is pure old skool


Tails was the same colour as a turd and the enemies were a mechanical chicken and a tank/mole thing

Or Sonic SATAM Which acually air here in Sweden ^^

Sonic Underground:

Sonic SATAM:

I LOVED Sonic Satam, so there goes my vote ^^
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first of all sonic underground is even old skool nick it was on fox kids so you cant vote for sonic underground or stamthing or other
Invader Zim and Ren and Stimpy. If I'm lucky I can catch R&S on at a time when my ol' lady isn't watching. She says it makes her sick to her stomach.
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