Release NXEngine-evo


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is NXEngine-evo, an evolution of NXEngine (CaveStory) with support for SDL2 and Widescreen.

This is a native build. It use gl4es and should just work out-of-the-box. It doesn't bring much compared the existing NXEngine in the repo, but, well, it's newer...

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build
Last edited:
One day I'll destroy that triple impossible last boss :-|| ... I consumed the save state trying...

Oh yes, I spent many times retrying. I was able to get to the last stage many times, but never been able to beat it. At the end, it felt too frustrating to had to redo the whole level before. I got to a point where I could get through it without too many problems so it got boring to have to retrace the exact same steps every time. Then I stopped playing and now if I return to it I need to "re-learn" it all over again, so I'm not sure if I'll ever finish it...
One day I'll destroy that triple impossible last boss :-|| ... I consumed the save state trying...
I know the feeling. I started playing Cave Story over 10 years ago and I've been trying to get past the last boss since then!

Recently I let go of my pride and decided to cheat! :| It hurts but I rationalised that I was in it for the story. If I hadn't beaten the game by now then I never would. So I downloaded the PC version and used Cheat Engine to give myself unlimited health. And finally reached the ending! I felt it was worth it. (Now to replay the game to do a Curly rescue run)
Oh yes, I spent many times retrying. I was able to get to the last stage many times, but never been able to beat it. At the end, it felt too frustrating to had to redo the whole level before. I got to a point where I could get through it without too many problems so it got boring to have to retrace the exact same steps every time. Then I stopped playing and now if I return to it I need to "re-learn" it all over again, so I'm not sure if I'll ever finish it...
I reached that conclusion too. If you really want to finish this game then it is possible if you don't object to cheating. See my previous post above.
Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : thanks for the upgraded port, that's really appreciated ! It runs well enough on my Rebirth with some overclock.

Cheers, Magic Sam
yeah i have my own version of nx-engine with physics that makes sense to me (jumping off a moving platform retains x momentum, shooting projectiles adds player velocity, the jetpack doesn't immediately cancel x/y momentum, and goes a bit farther). still haven't beat the final boss, but i have made it to him. i wanted to cheat and make the final health powerup give you a good chunk of HP, but didn't know what i needed to change in the code/assets.
I have this vague notion I have a cheat version of NX engine somewhere. But I think it was for the Wiz not Pandora?
Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : would CSE2 (Cave Story decompilation project) be worth a try ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi @ptitSeb :)

CSE2 features several branches. If I understand correctly, the enhanced branch is compatible with Linux:

CSE was also ported to the Wii, so I don't think it is win32 only.

Cheers, Magic Sam
Ah yes indeed.
Feature wise that seems very similar to NXEngine-evo. This one build on emscripten, wich is nice, but again, I'm unsure what difference it would bring compare to NXengine-evo
@ptitSeb : if CSE2 is that similar to NXEngine-evo, then it's not worth porting to the Pandora :) Thanks for answering my post so quickly :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Well, the reconfigurable / widescreen / sdl2 stuff are already in NXengine-evo yes. The 50/60FPS / smooth animation maybe interresting. Not sure it really makes a difference on the Pandora. If I get 10min free and building this is not a pain, then I'll try and see if it changes anything.