

Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
I'm itching to get my thumbs on those luvly nubz!

When I do, I'm glad they offer me more than game function, namely mouse control...

I was just thinking I would like the nubs to be able to control music and video playline ...playline probably isn't the correct term, what mean is like the ps3, so you can ffw and rwd a tune or video while still hearing/watching it, even though not at correct playback speeds obviously. Know what I mean?

Do they work for this feature, something that can be configured in the setup ED mentioned before, where the "double tap" control is set?

I think maybe they don't, as I can't see how it would work if they also work as mouse control... Uess the left nub is mouse and right nub can control media ffw and rwd?

Just wondered, and as I'm typing this I just thought, nubs aside, maybe the shoulder buttons L/R can control the ffw/rwd?

Maybe it's more down to your specific media player?
...if this, could one of you devs that might be making a media player consider this, would be a win for me

basically I don't like the idea of having to click on a little playline to rewind a little bit
Nubz are great...

That's why The Sun has done so well all these years

and why pandora p1sses from great heights on lesser, shall we say, nubless handhelds
Well, I don't know what the default media player will be, but I'll probably use mplayer. mplayer has pretty good keyboard customizing. I think it even defaults to using the arrow keys for forward and back. So that'd be entirely usable. If the L/R shoulder bumpers are bound to keypress or mouse events (Are they?) then it'd be simple to edit your .mplayer/input.conf so that the shoulder buttons were forward/back.
Cheers andy, arrows would be fine, not as good as nubz ;) but def a lot better than tapping on screen, I will take note of mplayer
Fzero said:
I'm itching to get my thumbs on those luvly nubz! (nub = n00b, nubz = n00bz)

When I do, I'm glad they offer me more than game function, namely mouse control...

I was just thinking I would like the nubs to be able to control music and video playline ...playline probably isn't the correct term, what mean is like the ps3, so you can ffw and rwd a tune or video while still hearing/watching it, even though not at correct playback speeds obviously. Know what I mean?
Well, I don't think it's a good idea, I'm not sure human enslavement will bring any more useful functions than the Pandora nubs can.
After all, they're n00bs..
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