Release Nub configuration alternative

Wow, this looks very nice. One thing I want to mention is that if the nub reset is a toggle of the hardware GPIO on the controller chips then there really isn't a need for left and right resets. They are both connected together. If you reset one, you actually reset both. If this is some sort of software config reset then ignore this. :)
Nice! I was going to do something similar once I got my dev situation going, but it looks like you beat me to the punch! Can't wait to get it on my Pandora!
Ok, I'm giving up on cleaning that image. I used this source image. If anybody can produce a similarly sized and clean image then I will gladly include it. I have neither the tools, skills, nor interest to do image editing.
Ok, I'm giving up on cleaning that image. I used this source image. If anybody can produce a similarly sized and clean image then I will gladly include it. I have neither the tools, skills, nor interest to do image editing.

I also looked for a better image and didn't find anything.

I'll run this through Photoshop and see what I can do.

But an official image would be better... if somebody can find one.
Second release is out. See original post.


  • Significant code cleanup, should be easier to understand and maintain now.
  • Combined left and right nub reset into a single reset nubs button.
  • Removed Load profile button and added a Delete profile button.
  • Changed the combobox to automatically load a selected profile (not when typing).
  • Pressing enter in the combobox will also load the selected profile.
  • Nub reset now asks for password to elevate permissions (using gksudo)
  • Reordered and renamed some of the buttons a bit.
    Top button row (nub operations): reset, read, write
  • Bottom button row (profile operations): delete, read, write
  • This keeps the less frequently used (and "more destructive") reset & delete
    buttons together, decreasing the risk of accidentally hitting them.
  • Selecting a new profile and reading nub settings both lose the current settings
    loaded in the gui, so keeping them together reduces impact of accidentally hitting
    the wrong one. They are also both read operations, so semantically close.
  • Storing a profile and writing nub settings are both write operations and hence
    close together.

[*]Added new command-line options to delete profiles and apply configuration.

This support more command-line usage scenarios. Some examples:

  • backup, launch, restore:
    # store current nub configuration and load the Joystick mode profile
    # beware: this will happily overwrite temp_profile if it already exists.
    nubmodeconf -s temp_profile -p "Joystick mode"

    # launch application, did anyone get joysticks working properly in eduke??
    pnd_run /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu/eduke32SDL.pnd

    # restore previous configuration and cleanup
    nubmodeconf -p temp_profile -d temp_profile

  • Create a new profile from the command-line:
    nubmodeconf -l mbuttons,150,20,20,7,7 -r mouse,150,20,20,7,7 -s "swapped"

  • Reset nubs and change settings without using profiles
    nubmodeconf --reset -l mouse,150,20,20,7,7 -r mbuttons,150,20,20,7,7 -a

[*]A minor change to the profile template, so remove or convert appdata/nubconfigurator/profiles.txt

(removed a newline between the left and right nub configuration)

So <name>\n<left>\n<right>\n became <name>\n<left> <right>\n

There are some visual issues with the Pandora logo as mentioned by FaeMinx.

To whomever wants to contribute, a clean replacement image as well as a good representative icon would be greatly appreciated.
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Here is the logo cleaned up and ready for light or dark backgrounds:

logo clean2.png


It's still not ideal, IMO... You'll have to test and see. It certainly *will* look better with dark backgrounds... may be a tad 'sharp' on light backgrounds - but at that resolution it may be perfectly suitable.

Sorry It took so long... Photoshop is *NOT* great for pixel precision work and I had nothing else installed...

EDIT2: Sorry, I've just noticed some pixels out of place... hang on.

EDIT3: Image replaced. Right! Hope it's ok - it's the best I could do with the source image. :)

An alternative of better quality is still welcome if anyone can provide it.
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EDIT2: Sorry, I've just noticed some pixels out of place... hang on.

[edit]I'll let you work on it for a while and check back tomorrow before I do another release :P

(I updated the PND between your edits)

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[edit]I'll let you work on it for a while and check back tomorrow before I do another release :P

(I updated the PND between your edits)


Sorry! :rolleyes: I was in a hurry to get it out there as I knew you were waiting. Should have been more carefull... It's all done now. *looks sheepish* :unsure:
Sorry! :rolleyes: I was in a hurry to get it out there as I knew you were waiting. Should have been more carefull... It's all done now. *looks sheepish* :unsure:
It's no problem :)

Thank you very much for detecting and solving the issue. Guess, I'll take the time to pack it once more.

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Thank you very much for detecting and solving the issue. Guess, I'll take the time to pack it once more.


My pleasure! :)

Just tested your update and I have to say with a dark theme it looks superb! ... On a lighter theme the logo still looks perfectly fine... But I have to admit it could be improved. It is a *bit* sharp.

Well, I'm off to bed now - almost 3am here. I'll play with the logo some more when I have some time.
Awesome :)

I already implemented your new version into our GIT recipes for the main OS for testing.

This makes it easy to implement ANY updates you make within seconds into our image :)

It works fine, I already put it into a mini-HF6-Alpha 1 update (see this thread here.
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I took an entirely different approach to editing the logo and I have to say I have completely solved the sharpness issue.

Turns out Photoshop was infact perfect for this task - I was just going about it the wrong way last night.

So here you go:

A perfect Pandora Logo that looks great with any background. :)

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Sorry for the slow reaction guys, haven't been on the boards much today. The logo is updated and I added the nub icon of the original script to this one as well.

[edit]By the way, if you want to test an alternative logo or icon for this application, then create the files pics/logo.png and/or pics/icon.png in the application data. That should override the default ones.

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Sorry for the slow reaction guys, haven't been on the boards much today. The logo is updated and I added the nub icon of the original script to this one as well.

Yay! :)

[edit]By the way, if you want to test an alternative logo or icon for this application, then create the files pics/logo.png and/or pics/icon.png in the application data. That should override the default ones.


Oh neat! Now I can refine and customize to my heart's content! :D THANKS!

...By the way, how do I get hold of the icon file?
Being able to test the icon myself has been a huge help.

I noticed that on a dark background it displayed differently on the Pandora as opposed to how it displayed when I was working on it in photoshop.

So I *had* to fix it.

This is the final version: (I promise :rolleyes: )


And now, I come bearing gifts!

Here are a whole bunch of custom icons:


These two have an effect that's only really noticeable on a dark background:


The 'Ultra' Logo set:



I personally find the simple gradient logo to be the most effective - That's what I would choose as default if I was forced to stick with only 1 choice.

It would be nice if you had a drop down menu to select custom 'themes'... but that's probably overkill. ;) It's easy enough to store custom logos in the pics folder and rename as needed.

P.s. Thanks for telling me how to 'extract' icons from PNDs - much appreciated!

Are you happy using the default nub icon or would you like me to try my hand at some custom ones for you to choose from?