Nub as the mouse and the should buttons as right and left click?

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
So I was the first to come up with this idea for the Pandora, and everyone thought it was a good idea, but it never came to fruition. The nubs will be a ton better I know but the right nub on the Pandora as the mouse clicks never felt natural to me.

The L2 shoulder could even be double click and the R2 button could even be mid click, very useful for copy/paste in Linux.
Same as with a two-button mouse, by pressing both?

I think the modifier buttons are a much better use for the shoulders, but to each their own :)

Regardless of what the "official" bindings will be, it'll be quite easy to do this in (for example) funkeymonkey.
_wb_ had an idea to interpret a click of a shoulder button as a mouse press, but a hold of the shoulder button as a modifier. (with funkeymonkey, of course)
My shoulder buttons get clicked all the time when I'm carrying it in my bag, and a double click on deadbeef acts to start the track under the mouse, last time I checked. Thus every other time I went over a bump it'd either start playing, or go back to the track I started listening at. No thanks!
you could obviously set different behavior for when the lid is closed...

i think the idea was to set lid-closed as left (or right) super-down...

[edit] and you can also disable other behavior you don't want, it's linux ;).
IDEA: map lid-closed as middle click!!! :D
Thanks. That is so obvious, that I didn't thought of that! Taht is indeet the perfect soulution :D
Or even better as left click, must look very professional when doule clicking ;-)

I think as long as you can easily configure that as user, it shouldn't be a problem.
I would like a menu for mouse configuring, with a drop down menu for each click. That menu should contain as first step the choice which nub is my mouse and the the drop down options:
- each shoulderbutton
- each nub klick
- each movement of the other nub (the one that wasn't chosen as mouse, or not, if both nubs were chosen as mouse)
i think the idea was to set lid-closed as left (or right) super-down...
Wouldn't that be prone to interfering with something else?
I can't think of an example right now, but I'm sure there are applications out there that use the Super keys as a default for something.

I believe the less common keys like XF86Away or one of the XF86Launch keys might be a better default mapping for the lid switch.
Thinking about lid close behaviour, I could think of several usefull scenarios:
- suspend to RAm (obvious)
- all of except music player and volume wheel
- display off only
- all off, except wifi and downloads 8usefull at e.g. CCC congress and pirate-box scenarios, like exchanging slides at congresses)

Supercool would, of course be to have them all available at once,like:
lid close -> suspend
lid close while shoulder R2 pressed -> muskplayer keeps running get the idea
On my pandora, I have (A) (Y) and (B) mapped to the three mouse buttons, with nubs for mouse and scroll.
That works well, except for the odd game which has controls hardcoded to PgUp, PgDn, Home, End.

Perhaps pressing two shoulders at once could be middle-click? the ones that aren't mapped to ctrl and shift?
Oh, nice idea to use the (A) (Y) (B) Buttons. And scrolling with the 2.nub is also nice (BTW: 2 directions? horizontal and vertical?)
Maybe it's an option to have that setup with the desktop and another with the mini-menue. Then you could get different setups for desktop/ gaming mode...

pressing 2 buttons at once realy don't work for me.

As long as there is enough configuration option in general, everyone should be are to find "her/his/its" best setup.
Wow, using one of the shoulder buttons as shift is genius. As far as using the shoulder buttons to control music players that isn't for me, I control music with my pebble currently and apparently it will work with the Pyra so that is what I'll be doing. I tried the PND that made my Pandora use a and b as mouse clicks but I want to use those for what their use is. So if possible I'll map right, left, mid click to shoulders along with shift. Eh, depends on the user, no config is perfect for everyone, excited to try out funkeymonkey.