Nubs Mouse click to shoulders mouse click


Very Active Member
Feb 5, 2006

I was wondering If it would still possible to bound the mouse click (currently on the nubs) to the shoulder buttons (L1/R1) and to bound the wheel mouse (up/down) to the other shoulders buttons (L2/R2)?

It would be the best option for almost all games because the nubs are used to move in games and I'm not sure that it would be easy to click the nubs while moving it.

It would be better for FPS games, Hack&Slash games, space combat games, etc...
Of course I was talking natively, I was wondering if ED would be willing to change the current settings to the one I talked about.
It would be pretty much unusable when you want to write something as Alt, Ctrl, Fn and Shift are(and should be) on the Shoulder Buttons. The Games have to be Ported anyway so creating an custom Shoulder Button Layout for them (like on the Pandora) is not a Problem.
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I think there was a simple script or PND someone made to map them to A and B but I don't remember where that is now. I think someone posted it on the boards a while ago. Maybe if it is a script you can modify it to make it work with L1 and L2
I think there was a simple script or PND someone made to map them to A and B but I don't remember where that is now. I think someone posted it on the boards a while ago. Maybe if it is a script you can modify it to make it work with L1 and L2
Do you mean AB Mouse? I use it, and last time I checked it was on the repo.
FunKeyMonkey would fit here.
Yes - it would. My understanding is that it can take any keyboard function (or combinations of shift/alt/ctrl/Fn/Super) and allow the end user to change/declare the output/action that it will produce. Is that correct?

Each key on the main keyboard could then have 32 functions.
Plain/Shifted =2 * 2 for Alt * 2 for Ctrl * 2 for Fn * 2 for Super resulting in 32 different potential results.

_wb_ also had some thoughts around how to make the shoulder buttons behave as mouse buttons AND the shift/Fn/Alt/Ctrl simultaneously. It would require a software solution and should work very well, but he can explain it far better than I can.
Yes - it would. My understanding is that it can take any keyboard function (or combinations of shift/alt/ctrl/Fn/Super) and allow the end user to change/declare the output/action that it will produce. Is that correct?
Well, it does require a plugin consisting of small amount of code to handle the mapping (this partiuclar mapping is quite easy, so it's fast to implement), so not exactly "end user", but the plugins are so easy to make anyone with entry-level skills in coding C or C++ can repurpose one of the examples for this. Alternatively I could add further support for remapping these to the modalgamepad plugin, which reads a simple configuration file. I can't do it yet because the actual key event mappings on Pyra are not yet decided AFAIK.