Hello ! I'm finished new creature dialog of NSS Engine Game Editor of my future Open Pandora's NSS Engine client
New Creature Dialog
- Preview Tab:
With right mouse click it is possible rotate the object in Y and X coord, moving mouse horizontally and vertically respectively.
Zoom with mouse wheel and move the free camera with middle mouse botton.
- Effects configuration tabs; material, vertex and fragment configuration.
- Basic Tab:
It is possible to change name, last name and tag.
To change appearance of the creature with combo box list and gender ( Male, Female, Both or None ).
Portrait: Portrait selection dialog.
Sound Set, Coming soon with new Sound Manager with Sound Set editor. It is possible to change the Sound Set of the creature.
- Advanced: aditional information about faction, race, sub-race and more game flow information.
- Scripts: AI scripts. It haves events like "onAttack", "onAttacked", "onDamaged", etc. We will can to change this scripts or create new scripts for all this event and modify the behaviour of the creature.
- Description and Developer Notes:: here the developer will write desciption of the creature and developer notes. This notes only will see the developers in the game.
Overview of Game Editor with Creature Dialog
That's all at the moment!
New Creature Dialog
- Preview Tab:
With right mouse click it is possible rotate the object in Y and X coord, moving mouse horizontally and vertically respectively.
Zoom with mouse wheel and move the free camera with middle mouse botton.
- Effects configuration tabs; material, vertex and fragment configuration.
- Basic Tab:
It is possible to change name, last name and tag.
To change appearance of the creature with combo box list and gender ( Male, Female, Both or None ).
Portrait: Portrait selection dialog.
Sound Set, Coming soon with new Sound Manager with Sound Set editor. It is possible to change the Sound Set of the creature.
- Advanced: aditional information about faction, race, sub-race and more game flow information.
- Scripts: AI scripts. It haves events like "onAttack", "onAttacked", "onDamaged", etc. We will can to change this scripts or create new scripts for all this event and modify the behaviour of the creature.
- Description and Developer Notes:: here the developer will write desciption of the creature and developer notes. This notes only will see the developers in the game.
Overview of Game Editor with Creature Dialog