Not getting reply for refund

The only place I've heard of them having no money for refunds is here on these forums, from the members. I've heard NOTHING about this from Open Pandora OR Craig.
So your saying EvilDragon isn't Official OpenPandora enough for you, even though he currently oversees the entire production..
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The only place I've heard of them having no money for refunds is here on these forums, from the members. I've heard NOTHING about this from Open Pandora OR Craig.
So your saying EvilDragon isn't Official OpenPandora enough for you, even though he currently oversees the entire production..
Ed is not responsible for Craig's refunds and debts. I think the OP is unhappy that this has not been conveyed to him via Craig's shop. Again, a problem with Craig and communication. Perhaps the OP hasn't read enough threads to find where Ed said Craig is broke and can't give refunds. I wish Ed was overseeing the refunds too.
I didn't say he was, all I mentioned was that someone from OP(EvilDragon) did say that Craig had no money for refunds.
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And you really feel that the OP must read all of the threads on these forums to find that out? That's hard to do because there is no thread saying Craig's broke so no refunds now.
Maybe I'm a little confused on what OP means.. for me it Open Pandora.. did I mis understand an acronym?
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I'm not sure if Craig ever said he doesn't have money for refunds, but he has said he doesn't have money to pay for the 1GHz preorders after he used that money to pay for a large influx of refunds. If he doesn't have money for one thing it kind of stands to reason that he doesn't have money for anything else, including satisfying new refund requests..
no problem. I was confused too since I'm used to op meaning original post. Lol....We can probably make up a few more acronyms that are more like synonyms and then turn them into homonyms just to further confuse everyone
Original poster=OP

Most forums op refers to original poster
Ah I see, this and the original GP2X Pandora Forum are the only forums I visit.. so I'm a little ignorant on popular acronyms.

It's actually fairly  commonly used to mean that around here too...  normally you can pick up which OP is being referred to by the context clues.   Now that you've been introduced to the acronym I suspect that there may be quite a few posts that would make more sense to you on the reread than they did originally. :-)

- Neelix
To avoid that confusion, I started using OPT to mean OpenPandora Team and just OP to mean Original Poster a few years ago.
The only place I've heard of them having no money for refunds is here on these forums, from the members. I've heard NOTHING about this from Open Pandora OR Craig. The only thing they've told me is that my money is on the way! (that was over 2 months ago).

Fine, whatever. They're bad with money. Can they just tell me that so I'm not sat here twiddling my thumbs wondering where my money has gone? Probably on Craig's fucking Christmas turkey, that's where.
Actually Ed has discussed the fact that Craig's company has no savings or revenue stream for refunds.

I wouldn't even say they are bad with money: they had something like a nine month wait to get cases produced properly by a Chinese company, they had a nub mfgr go under on them, they had CC screw up the whole first batch production run -- all of which should have put them out of business, but they miraculously keep going.

I don't mean to imply that any of this excuses the lack of communication though. It appears that Jacquelyn is back on the job of answering emails, so I hope you get a reply soon.
the shit could hit the fan sooner or later.

there seems to be a few people waiting a long time for refunds.Not good.

Granted they will get a refund eventually but still, shitty situation.