Nintendo Wii U

I'm sure it'll sell by the bucket load but it doesn't interest me very much yet. Those controllers just look like a ruddy nightmare to me, especially as controllers spend half of their life being sat on or dropped, or put on a shelf and had things stacked on top of.

I think we'll be seeing a spate of smashed wii u controller pictures in a similar vein to the Wii's smashed tv screen/black eye debacle
why anymore then smashed ipads? dont americanize gaming controllers just because they have some dangers to them. you wouldnt believe how lame the playgrounds are in america
I have a good feeling that Nintendo are going to unveil a new look Wii U next month (January 10-13, 2012) at CES...which is good, because I never liked the look of the console anyway...looked too similar to Wii, lol.
it's a nintendo console i'll avoid, I don't like the concept at all
it's a nintendo console i'll avoid, I don't like the concept at all
I'm betting it's exactly the progression that a large number of people are looking for, though. Depending on how it's marketed, Nintendo could once again take the stage.
Rayman looks quite nice graphically Im intriqued to see what the wii U turns out like but i doubt i will buy one.
if I can rip my bought/rented games to a connected external HDD like I can with my modded wii and is backwards compatible with the previous console is... slap on a user friendly interface (configurable usb loader for wii) I'm sure I'll be picking one up... my son plays it the wii 10,000% more than I do though, I just update it for him he rips his own games and does everything else himself
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I'm not a fan of analogue nubs (I hate 3DS sometimes)...But I love analogue sticks though!

