Nintendo Wii U

Still disappointed it's not called the Wii Pu

A name change might still be on the way? Probably only a 2% chance though, because I see the Wii U logo below on the dev one. :(

I'm not a fan of analogue nubs (I hate 3DS sometimes)...But I love analogue sticks though!


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Good god has it been a year since this was new news time flys .
You know what? I wanna see our threads for consoles outlive the consoles. That would be cool. Let's see here... We've already done the Panasonic Jungle...

Anybody think we should try this?
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You know what? I wanna see our threads for consoles outlive the consoles. That would be cool. Let's see here... We've already done the Panasonic Jungle...

Anybody think we should try this?
. Yes
I'm really excited for this console for two main reasons.

1.) This controller reminds me of the intelli-vision controller, where you would plug in a cardboard cut-out that was different for every game. (always thought this was a great idea)

2.) Nintendo is the only console which makes decent games for more than one player.

Since when did they decide that the console was a solely one person device? That's my largest grief with my PS3, number of games that I enjoy playing with my roommate: Army of Two and Earth Defense Force.

I'm really excited to see that Nintendo is releasing a console that isn't focused on a 'PG' rating. I'm a fan of coating my tv in blood & guts, especially if a zombie is involved.

The only thing that would make this better would be if the entire controller was a touch-screen (I know, I know, analog is best) but if the entire controller was a touch screen you could have radically different layouts for each game (though it would be expensive!!) just like the Intellivision but even better as you could actually place the buttons in different areas. I can wish can't I?
What about online multi-player? Isn't that more than one player? And ewww for full tablet without physical controls on the controller.
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Online multiplayer doesn't work a damn if you have only one console and one tv in a house with 4 people... (2 of which are extreme gamers)
Nice, so a whole load more games in the library right?

I know that logo from a few splash screens of games I play on the phone, so I know I like some of them at least.
Nice, so a whole load more games in the library right?
Potentially. Porting the Unity engine means an easier port for developers but doesn't guarantee it. At the least they would need to recompile their game for the WiiU, at worst they include other libraries or system specific code that needs to be rewritten anyway.
Well, hopefully for Nintendo the Wii U is a success. I hear they will be selling it at a loss and trying to make money on the games they sell.

Nintendo have lost a bit of money lately, if the Wii U fails it will be pretty hard for them. That said, there still doesn't seem to be any competition form a new Xbox or PS coming anytime soon. This should help