Nintendo Virtual Console Games On The Gp2x


Mar 6, 2006
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I was wondering if it would be legal to play the games you buy from the virtual console on the gp2x?

As far as i understand you buy the game and it downloads straight to your sd card so you don't modify the file in any way, just put the sd card in the gp2x and load up the rom. The emulators are legal right?
I suppose this is all depending on if they encrypt the rom so that it can only be played on the wii virtual console.
I emailed the nintendo legal inquiry mail address but supprisingly got no response. :P

As you can guess i have hardly any knowledge on this. :)
I doubt it would be so straight-forward. They will probably encrypt the roms. maybe even prepend the emulator with the ROM (I doubt it though)
Possibly they will use the SD but require you to format it into a propriatry filesystem. Meaning it will only be readable by the Wii.

In all honesty though, who knows? But I doubt they would make it so easy to just let you do what you want with the virtual console downloads....
Ah well probably wishful thinking then. :(
Would be interesting to see what they are going to with the games, will just have to wait a few more days.

Thanks for your replies.