Well, this has been rumored for just about EVER, so no real surprises here. "N" only really works in the handheld sector, so that is where they should have always been putting their focus. This is also the only area where they get 3rd party support, so a handheld that can function in the home with a TV is great(IMO)
I've stated it before, but if they would have been more forward thinking, they would have made the 3DS to stream/connect to the Wii U, and that poor ass tablet would have never been needed, and they could have beefed up the system, offered a standard controller, and would have done way better and CHEAPER! Then, if you have a 3DS you could use it as a controller(like the Wii U tablet for a second screen experience), or stream games as most handheld devices now offer.
Of course, they are always two steps behind the industry(and that's a generous estimate), but they may finally be doing something that plays to their strengths. Sadly, this is "N" after all, so even if it looks good in thought, or on paper, they will do some dumb ass shit the ruins it, but I'll wait and see. Things like region free, and a proper account system that allows for games to be shared are a must, but a wildcard where these clowns are concerned.
There have been many rumors for awhile about them going back to cartridge, and I just never understood how that would be possible for a home console, but now that idea is making more sense. I'm curious, but I think any and everyone will be until all the details are given.