Nintendo Ds Details

How much do ImportMadness charge for shipping (not including VAT nad teaxes)?
Your worrying me about this stylus sh!te. I dont want to play games with a crappy little stick. I want to use the pad.
Kop_007 posted on Oct 7 2004 at 04:07 PM said:
Your worrying me about this stylus sh!te. I dont want to play games with a crappy little stick. I want to use the pad.

Not all the games use the touch screen, and many of the ones that do let you use the D pad as well. There isn't going to be a problem.

And what is wrong with Ridge Racer using the touch screen? There is a steering wheel on the bottom screen that you turn by "grabbing" it with the stylus and spinning it in the direction you want to turn.

That makes perfect sense to me. Analog steering.
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i want you to take something similar in size to the DS, pretend your sitting on a bus or something, try holding the ds with one hand, the stylus in the other hand and try spinning it around on the screen to turn a wheel.

I think this is a bad idea, especially for a racing game. I know the DS is pretty light, but still, i think it would be akward, especially for right handed people, how would you hit the action buttons to hold on the gas, shift, brake, e brake, if you have to hold a stylus all the time in your right hand.
I don't see how it is any different than using a controller. One hand it always on the analog stick, and the other hand is over the buttons.

And, like I said, you can still use the D pad, so what is the problem?

16 minutes worth of Super Mario 64 DS!

There's fire flowers in it (I think that they replace each cap-like if Luigi gets a Fire FLower he becomes invisble, Wario metal etc) and old-school mushrooms that make Mario big.

There's a Mario Sunshine type level with music :D

Loadsa mini games that look AMAZING.

And best of all, 30 extra stars with extra worlds:o

Extra worlds in Mario 64...

...I was really excited until I realised it was just an enhanced port of Mario 64. I've already played enough of that.
I've played it to death, but just watch the video-you can see it's got a freshness to it. I can't see them making a new 3D platformer for the DS anyway-they'll be savig all the ideas for the new console Mario.
The Dude posted on Oct 8 2004 at 04:34 AM said:
I don't see how it is any different than using a controller. One hand it always on the analog stick, and the other hand is over the buttons.

And, like I said, you can still use the D pad, so what is the problem?

But your not going to have one hand over the buttons, your going to have one hand holding a stylus the entire game. Think man. I'm right handed. My left hand is used for the d pad or analog stick, right hand for the buttons, if my right hand has to hold a stylus, i can't hit the buttons unless the thing is upside down. So that makes holding a button for gas, or for braking, or for shifting, or for the e brake impossible, the only button that could be hit would be the left shoulder button and the d pad if holding in the left hand, but try to do that when you use your thumb for the d pad.
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I think people are worrying about nothing
Im somehow think nintendo have probably thought about this, theres no way they are going to realase a new hand held which proves totally unusable.. if they fuck this up they may as rool over and give up... as the psp will totally own them then...
extremegamer posted on Oct 8 2004 at 01:51 PM said:
The Dude posted on Oct 8 2004 at 04:34 AM said:
I don't see how it is any different than using a controller. One hand it always on the analog stick, and the other hand is over the buttons.

And, like I said, you can still use the D pad, so what is the problem?

But your not going to have one hand over the buttons, your going to have one hand holding a stylus the entire game. Think man. I'm right handed. My left hand is used for the d pad or analog stick, right hand for the buttons, if my right hand has to hold a stylus, i can't hit the buttons unless the thing is upside down. So that makes holding a button for gas, or for braking, or for shifting, or for the e brake impossible, the only button that could be hit would be the left shoulder button and the d pad if holding in the left hand, but try to do that when you use your thumb for the d pad.
Obviously the games will be designed so you don't have to use the buttons on the right while using the stylus
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Obviously the games will be designed so you don't have to use the buttons on the right while using the stylus

Yes, but how do you do that on a racing game when the stylus is used to turn the car? The only thing i can think of is automatic acceleration and shifting, the l button for braking.

it doesn't make sense to me, but since its not released i guess its not 100% confirmed the game will be all stylus with no option for d pad, but i'm sure there's a logical reason behind it being all stylus if it is.

EDIT: just thought that i guess the d pad up could be acclerate and d pad down be brake.
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I e-mailed importmadness about the DS and they said they had no plans to add it to the site.

I have used importmadness many times and tehy have always been fantastic.

Just noticed they have the games at £30 a pop WTF £30

They are only $29.99 each which is about £17
Rico posted on Oct 8 2004 at 03:51 AM said:
...I was really excited until I realised it was just an enhanced port of Mario 64. I've already played enough of that.

But it's on a handheld!!!!1111one

Really, I find myself replaying a lot of games on my GP32 for the nostalgia factor alone, and because it's so much more convient on a handheld. Plus I can cheat with savestates :D (which wouldn't apply to the DS)
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I was looking through the list of third third-party games on that DSnews website, and I came across something that peaked my intrest.

Secret of Mana by Square-Enix
A 3D adaptation of the best real time RPGs ever(well maybe tied with a lot of Zelda games)!!!
I am so excited I'm about to die.

Plus I can't wait for to see what kind of homebrewn stuff comes up to utilize both screens.

It would be cool to have an emulator with a game and gui running at the same time
and having the gui be touch screen
PinkSpider posted on Oct 9 2004 at 08:58 AM said:
note; You cant complain about playing ports/ old games because you have a gp32!!

Least these games will be 3D ports like.

Half right,we want a GP32 for retro but not a DS for ports. I'd like something new instead of Mario (Insert number, sport, vehicle, whatever) straight from the 64. Metroid Prime looks interesting from the launch titles though the graphics are total garbage. I'd probably buy that and mario kart if its a new version on launch. What other games are there?
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