Nintendo 64 - Possible Or Not?

if ldchen gets a gp2x, i would have no doubt that there will be a psx emu ;)
and remember fpse is a really fast emu, the first versions ran on a 486 with a good graphiccard.
THe emu will be far away from perfect, but perhaps we can play some of the rpgs..
What I've wondered, could one make a "decoder", which would chomp up the ROM for game X, then look up the instructions it needs, and output a platform-compatible exe... I mean, as far as I see it, that is done during emulation, only in real time. ROM tells emulator to draw a Mario, emu tells the GP to draw a Mario...

It's so simple! :rolleyes:
that is called a port. In order to do so, you need to focus on one game at a time, and it takes alot of time.
That's like porting quake for pc to the gp2x. It's not because you do so that you can take the same formula and automaticly port Civilization and Warcaft to the gp2x.In order to play Those three games on the gp2x, you need to port Quake, Then Civ, Then Warcraft. Porting Console games on PC or Gp2x would be way thougher though.

That's not 'So Simple', not at all.

You guys are also thinking about processing power.

What about the input method? Even if the GP2X had enough power to emulate the N64 and PSX, the controller scheme just wouldnt work. at all. You would really have to fubar the controls to make it work.

I've brought up the input problem a dozen times in the discussion of N64 emulators in both the the cases of the PSP and GP2X (even on the DS!) and people often choose to ignore it with comments like "not every game uses all the buttons!"

that's like playing Snes games with a gp32x or gba...OH, WAIT!

PSX, Cahaz? That's nearly as bad as the N64, isn't it? Would the GP2X really be capable of running much in the way of PSX games?

Nope, not at all. PSX is way more simple. And i didn't said the gp2x would emulate psx at good speeds and framrate either. I just said it would be more plausible than the n64. It would be also way more possible than 32x or Saturn, even if those consoles are less powerfull than the psx. (Don't even think about Saturn!)
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I've brought up the input problem a dozen times in the discussion of N64 emulators in both the the cases of the PSP and GP2X (even on the DS!) and people often choose to ignore it with comments like "not every game uses all the buttons!"

that's like playing Snes games with a gp32x or gba...OH, WAIT!

The SNES has 8 buttons, the GP32 and GBA have 6. The N64 not only has 10 buttons, but also an analog stick which some games actually require you to use "in addition to" the Dpad and not "instead of".

The GP2X only adds 2 extra buttons. Faking 2 extra buttons on the GP32 is a lot easier than the inputs required for a N64 and even on SNES on the GP32 it's not easy to play a game that requires all 8 buttons. I've said it before, there's a difference between being "playable" and being "enjoyable".
I'm pretty sure I originally ran UltraHLE on my Celeron 300 (Probably overclocked to 450Mhz) and a Voodoo 1 gfx, It was pretty well. What a truely amazing emulator that was, In all these years they havent progessed much further.

I think the dedicated 3D card was the key here, the GP2X would have to emulate that too....
That is on x86 however and not ARM. Sometimes Mhz != Mhz. As Mentioned, Ultrahle needed glide. So you need to emulate that too.
DynaMight posted on Oct 16 2005 at 04:26 PM said:
Is ARM more or less powerfull Mhz to Mhz compared to say a Celeron?

It is impossible to compare Apples to Oranges effectively. :P
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When I had UltraHLE on my AMD K6-3 266 with a TNT card.

It ran fairly badly. TNT was just released at the time, so I was using a glide wrapper. So maybe that slowed things down.

I got mario64 and kart to run ok (without sound), which was ironic, as they were the only ones that I actually owned.

Corn is a LLE, or low level emulator. Which would be hard as hell to port.

It worked full speed with sound on Mario64 on that PC.
Blah posted on Oct 16 2005 at 05:35 PM said:
DynaMight posted on Oct 16 2005 at 04:26 PM said:
Is ARM more or less powerfull Mhz to Mhz compared to say a Celeron?

It is impossible to compare Apples to Oranges effectively. :P

Yeah and when ever I try to do that, I always end up with grapes. :blink:
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reallynotnick posted on Oct 16 2005 at 06:06 PM said:
Blah posted on Oct 16 2005 at 05:35 PM said:
DynaMight posted on Oct 16 2005 at 04:26 PM said:
Is ARM more or less powerfull Mhz to Mhz compared to say a Celeron?

It is impossible to compare Apples to Oranges effectively. :P

Yeah and when ever I try to do that, I always end up with grapes. :blink:
And when the apples are Intel and the oranges are AMD, it's usually sour grapes :P
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i played mario 64 and Waverace on my 300 or 366mhz AMD k6-2 (Corn) and a Voodoo 1. Both games ran perfect. (but i think corn is much optimized for x86) but that shows again that it could be theoretical possibel to do it. its just a hell lot of work. Port for example Mupen over to arm, then write a ASM CPU core for it ;), then port a software graphics plugin (there is one, but its damn slow (on 2ghz) and only plays mario), improve that plugin. and on and on...
after 2years development, we could have a working n64 without sound :-D