Ninendo Ds

i usually don't mind ports as long as their as good as the original, but i don't think the problem was with ports as was with the selection of games itself, I mean, it's taken how long now to get a decent RPG? Still no fighting game, at least that i'm aware of, 1 shooter in Nanostray, 1 first person shooter, Rogue Agent.

But that is going to be changing here shortly. The DS is really starting to pick up and i'm actually more excited for the future of the DS than the PSP right now. I'm extremely disappointed in the PSP, so much untapped potential.
Decent RPG? Where? Where?
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I didn't intend for this thread to be anything negative about the DS. Its just that I feel that game publishers are not going to be able to port games to this system and eveything be "OK." In the past they have been able to, sort of, get away with it. It has been easy for them to do this on the systems of the past. I feel like they are going to have to put forth a little time and effort to make a game for the DS that just feels right for this great little system.
When going to the arcade you have a unique experience that you just can't get at home. That is what the arcade has always been about. I have that same feeling when it comes to the DS. It would be great for the game publishers to take the time and take advantage of the special features that the DS has, but they do not necessarily have to do that. they just need to take the time to get the games right. When Metroid Prime Hunter hits the store shelves, we will probably see that first person shooters on the DS rocks when done right! :)

EDIT: I think that the DS is the Best Handheld System that Nintendo has put out. The first party games are great! Right at the moment it is better than the PSP in terms of gaming. Hopefully the PSP will change in the coming year. (Wake up Sony, Wake up)
Right now I am playing Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls and Nanostray on my DS. It is great having two games plugged into a system and being able to switch back and forth.
The PSP line up is speeding up now but I doubt it'll be very impressive until around or after christmas time. I think a lot of companies are having a hard time deciding whether to create their game for the PS2, PSP or the PS3 so the games that come out for it are probably being debated on for months up until the point where the design has to be directed specifically towards one or two of those systems.

The DS has Jump superstars for a fighting game, but you should keep in mind Nintendo dosent want ports, the whole point is to try ang force companies to come up with something different which is why the releases of decent stuff is so slow for it but seeming to pick up as developer try to figure out something new to try for it since they know the thing sold crap loads of systems. I've said it once before and I'll say it again, the controllers for their last few systems are an obvious and blantant "fuck you" to "street fighting" games. By creating different input methods they expect new games.
I am beginning to wonder if the gaming companies are going to continue the practice of porting games or take advantage of the system's capabilities. I'll admit that it is cheap to port games instead of taking the time to explore and make a game exclusive and unique to a particular system. It means putting aside a group of people and funds to a certain project. The DS is a different Handheld Gaming machine than the rest and I believe it can give you a unique arcade feel and experience. The game that has caused my concern is “Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects.” This game is obviously a port or a GBA-DS hybrid thingy. They did not take the time to build the game to fit the DS. (Great games can be made for this system, if only they would take the time.) Don't get me wrong, I enjoy and like the game and I have fun playing it. But it is very buggy, glichy, and seems “rushed to market” before any thought went into it. Who play tested it? A game made for the DS would be a game that could not be ported to any other machine. Is there no creativity in the big gaming companies to use something like the DS? Do they not know what to do with this Handheld's capabilities? I don't believe the porting of a lot games to this system is going to work. Gaming companies are going to have to sit down and consider what to do with the DS and it's neat features. If they are going to port something like “Marvel Nemesis” they could at least take the time to work out all the bugs. I guess as a gamer I am tired of the two headed buggy, glichy, mutant, “lets make a fast dollar” ports. Maybe if I give them a little time they will get the hang of programing for this neat little machine. Hmmm........It has almost been a year now. <_<

Sell your Nintendo DS and get something else. ;)
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Fanboi. ;)

Actually, I'm looking forward for games as Final Fantasy 3 (never released outside japan, and man, those graphics...), Xenosaga 1 and 2 (port of the ps2 games with complete new graphics, I've never played it), Children of Mana, etc

I have 3 games:
The Metroid Demo: Great, gotta love the controls.
Nanostray: Good, but short.
Castlevania: Omg, this game rules. :P
I am beginning to wonder if the gaming companies are going to continue the practice of porting games or take advantage of the system's capabilities. I'll admit that it is cheap to port games instead of taking the time to explore and make a game exclusive and unique to a particular system. It means putting aside a group of people and funds to a certain project. The DS is a different Handheld Gaming machine than the rest and I believe it can give you a unique arcade feel and experience. The game that has caused my concern is “Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects.” This game is obviously a port or a GBA-DS hybrid thingy. They did not take the time to build the game to fit the DS. (Great games can be made for this system, if only they would take the time.) Don't get me wrong, I enjoy and like the game and I have fun playing it. But it is very buggy, glichy, and seems “rushed to market” before any thought went into it. Who play tested it? A game made for the DS would be a game that could not be ported to any other machine. Is there no creativity in the big gaming companies to use something like the DS? Do they not know what to do with this Handheld's capabilities? I don't believe the porting of a lot games to this system is going to work. Gaming companies are going to have to sit down and consider what to do with the DS and it's neat features. If they are going to port something like “Marvel Nemesis” they could at least take the time to work out all the bugs. I guess as a gamer I am tired of the two headed buggy, glichy, mutant, “lets make a fast dollar” ports. Maybe if I give them a little time they will get the hang of programing for this neat little machine. Hmmm........It has almost been a year now. <_<

Sell your Nintendo DS and get something else. ;)

I have in this household a NES, SNES, Sega Genesis (along with the 32X & CD) Turbo Grafx 16, Turbo Duo, Atari Jaguar, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1 with fold up LCD Screen, N64, PS2, and the Game Cube.
Handhelds are, the first Pea green screen Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy SP, Atari LYNX, Turbo Express, Sega Nomad, Swancrystal, Neo Pocket Color, GP32, and Nintendo DS.
A true gamer loves the games and would not part with his or her stuff!!! I intend to add to my hoard first the GP2X and then maybe the PSP. I don't care much for watching movies on a tiny handheld nor surfing the net that way. The PSP needs a batch of games that defines itself as more than just a media gadget. I want Sony to put out a “Gamers Package.” I don't want to buy one that includes a movie. I want a game in the pack! I am waiting Sony. I am a gamer. Hardcore? I don't know. Someone would have to define hardcore. :)
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I'm extremely disappointed in the PSP, so much untapped potential.
Completely agree. PSP should be so much more, but it seems to be Sony's afterthought of a console. Too bad because I really think it's very ahead of its time.. guess they were hoping to ride on their name for sales and entising developers, and I think Sega's a wonderful example of how you should never do that.. <_<
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Just went out and made my rounds to all the stores yesterday. It looks like the holiday season is looking good for the DS! Surprise! I saw a whole bunch of new DS games on the shelf! Viewtiful Joe was right there among them. The Ds is totally a dedicaded gaming machine! The DS is looking more and more like the gaming system to have right now! :D There were 1st and 3rd party games. Hopefully all the 3rd party games will be just as impressive gameplay wise. But the shelves for the PSP still looks empty. :blink:
I dunno, where I shop there are about the same number of PSP and DS games, granted a few of them are sports games and a couple of imports like Bleach 1 and 2. Plus I know there are a few titles that are our and havent shown up on their shelf yet.

There's a VJ game coming for PSP as well but apparenty it's just taking longer to make. I'm not worried about the line up for either of these sytems, they both have interesting titles in the works.
I am beginning to wonder if the gaming companies are going to continue the practice  of porting games or take advantage of the system's capabilities. I'll admit that it is cheap to port games instead of taking the time to explore and make a game exclusive and unique to a particular system. It means putting aside a group of people and funds to a certain project. The DS is a different Handheld Gaming machine than the rest and I believe it can give you a unique arcade feel and experience. The game that has caused my concern is  “Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects.” This game is obviously a port or a GBA-DS hybrid thingy. They did not take the time to build the game to fit the DS. (Great games can be made for this system, if only they would take the time.) Don't get me wrong, I enjoy and like the game and I have fun playing it. But it is very buggy, glichy, and seems “rushed to market” before any thought went into it. Who play tested it? A game made for the DS would be a game that could not be ported to any other machine. Is there no creativity in the big gaming companies to use something like the DS? Do they not know what to do with this Handheld's capabilities? I don't believe the porting of a lot games to this system is going to work. Gaming companies are going to have to sit down and consider what to do with the DS and it's neat features. If they are going to port something like “Marvel Nemesis” they could at least take the time to work out all the bugs. I guess as a gamer I am tired of the two headed buggy, glichy, mutant, “lets make a fast dollar” ports. Maybe if I give them a little time they will get the hang of programing for this neat little machine. Hmmm........It has almost been a year now.  <_<

Sell your Nintendo DS and get something else. ;)

I have in this household a NES, SNES, Sega Genesis (along with the 32X & CD) Turbo Grafx 16, Turbo Duo, Atari Jaguar, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1 with fold up LCD Screen, N64, PS2, and the Game Cube.
Handhelds are, the first Pea green screen Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy SP, Atari LYNX, Turbo Express, Sega Nomad, Swancrystal, Neo Pocket Color, GP32, and Nintendo DS.
A true gamer loves the games and would not part with his or her stuff!!! I intend to add to my hoard first the GP2X and then maybe the PSP.

Hoard? though its a nice collection, its hardly a hoard, i got you beat at least twice over and don't consider me even close to hoard standards yet. If you want to see hoardish collections, go to then to the forum and in the classic gaming forum look at the "show your collection" sticky, now there are some freakin hoards.
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I dunno, where I shop there are about the same number of PSP and DS games, granted a few of them are sports games and a couple of imports like Bleach 1 and 2. Plus I know there are a few titles that are our and havent shown up on their shelf yet.

There's a VJ game coming for PSP as well but apparenty it's just taking longer to make. I'm not worried about the line up for either of these sytems, they both have interesting titles in the works.

I saw Viewtiful Joe, of course Mario Cart, Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer, Need for Speed: Most wanted, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Sonic Rush, Scooby-Doo: Unmasked, and about four or five others I didn't know about plus everything that had been released previously. It made quite an impressive show. I think that there are some others that are supposed to show up on the shelf this week. I haven't seen any imports yet. Edit: I saw what looked like almost 50 games out now!

I wished PSP would come out with some stuff that would make me want it and justify a purchase.
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also i might add the price is right for the DS, $35 for a DS game as compared to $50 for PSP. Now once Metroid comes out and as long as it supports at least 4 player wifi, i'll be in heaven, 1st person shooters are sooo much fun to play as online deathmatches. Though i'd rather see Perfect Dark or Golden Eye instead of Metroid, i'm not going to complain as long as the controls do not require much of the touch screen and the weapons are plentiful
I love my Nintendo DS. I bought it not long after launch; I wasn't going to and it just happened - but I'm glad it did.

For me, there's plenty of shite titles (most of which are EA titles) and plenty of ports, but you get that with most consoles. You just need to watch what you buy, and read reviews.

Titles that I own that dissapointed:

Electroplankton (JAP Import)
I don't know if this was because this title was sooo hyped up, or its lack of longlivety, but it impressed me for, what... 30mins? And then it was gone. And the title's been gathering dust.

Madden NFL 2005 (US Import)
I know, I know. Its an American Football title and an Electronic Arts title - but I like American Football, so wanted a game. Its playable, I guess... but the graphics are appaulling - and the way some of the things work are just wrong.

Title that I own that impressed:

Super Mario 64 DS
With not having played the original version, I bought this not knowing what to expect, and was pleasently surprised. "Mario? In 3D?!?"

Advance Wars DS
Oh yeah!! Dual-screen turn-based action-packed war-strategy!!

Zoo Keeper
The most positively addictive puzzle game since Chu Chu Rocket on the Dreamcast.

It doesn't last too long; buts its a sure fun way of utilising the touch screen to revive an age old gaming icon!

Sonic Rush
Oh My God! Okay, we all know how great the original titles were? And they were great at the time, right? Well, this is a great sequel and one worthy of a full-price £30 purchase. Really.

Other titles I own are: Yoshi Touch & Go, Nintendogs, Wario Touched and the Metroid Demo