Release Next version of Firefox

Nice to hear some news from your side :) .

Port whenever you find some spare time.
Awesome you are getting a holiday!   Enjoy and thanks for your hard work keeping this browser updated!
^ I don't think it will be that bad, I think it will be more like March.
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You're awesome :) .

Thanks a lot.

It feels much faster.
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Great - thanks! FF is actually my most-used application on the Pandora (besides Terminal), probably would have lost interest in the device if that port didn't exist..

Small question (maybe already answered in another thread) after I sumbled over about:buildconfig when playing around with settings today - is there a special reason why you're using -msoft-float for this one? Any problems building FF with FPU support?

"Your firefox profile cannot be loaded. It might be missing or inaccessible."

what do I need to delete from appdata to fix that? there's no easy to spot "firefox" folder there...
appdata: hdonk_firefox

Then press "CTRL+H" to show hidden files.

Then you'll find your profile folder somewhere.

Don't know the exact place now. If you don't fond it, ask again and I'll look it up for you.
yes, just found that out reading comments in the repo... it works now, through when trying to create the profile he propose by default a path in a read only location...
Is it possible to get webGL running?

Force enable doesn't work.