.next alpha image

My I ask for a short status update?

How far are we from a full flash image?

Xfce 4.10 would be so much better.
I'd love to have a newer Evince version as well - the ability to save the current configuration (which was AFAIK introduced before switching over to GTK3) would already be a huge improvement. Disabling the side panel every single time to make the most out of the small screen gets kinda annoying after some time...
I haven't really worked on it that much, so it's still at the stage where it really just needs one big final push and it's ready.

The core of the image works, its just some final configuration changes to make everything work smoothly.

Unfortunately there's quite a lot of those. and I don't really want to have to do all the work by myself. :)
Not trying to derail anything and what not.. just here to say you guys are awewome for doing all this stuff I don't understand (but do read with great interest)