New Version Of Duke Nukem Gp!


Certified Guru
Jan 13, 2004
France (78)
This is our (Falken and me) new version of the tc pwad for Doom 2 including :

- Falken and I have made a new status bar much more lovely than the ugly old one. It's in the Duke style now!

- I have physically removed the teleporter but it still works, don't worry.

- More ennemies for whom the game is boring ! :D

As usual new version is here :

Groooooovy!!! :D
Can you add voices in doom wads??? Like when you start the level Duke would say "its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum" Thats my fav. Dukeanism
Wow... awesome wad!!!
couldnt believe it first, that this is a wad, when i started it the first time :D
Ta Drumaster
That Wad Kicks ass :lol:

Always Did love the Dukemeister
That zip file is broken, it's only 800kb while it's supposed to hold a 10mb file.

Could anyone fix this, please?
This is absolutely stunning!

This is the best and most advanced use of the doom engine i've ever seen.

How about getting rid of the handful of left over doom sound effects? Its the only way anyone would know it was doom!

Are you guys going to make anymore levels? I guess I could help, maybe make up a version of doom with jump enabled?

Thank you very much Craig! :D

I gonna finalize this tc and remove all doom sound to have a perfect Duke version ! :P

Yes I think we'll make other level and if you could help us it'would be great!

I don't think jump is posible in Doom 2 because the engine doesn't allow it so we would have to change code in source so imagine...

But we can manage to have a great conversion even without jump don't worry! :D
But if you can enable jumping it will be amazing!!

Thanks to you we can play Doom and all wads on gp32!!!

Really thank you for your great GPDoom !!! :D
Don't forget it was Rob and Tom too, the doom port was a team effort.

Since there are versions with jump enabled i'll have a look about for the source code to the jump.

Will need yet another change to the controls!

It should also be possible to add in the level speech intro too.

this wad is the business - well done again Drumaster and Falken - a mighty team !

after no doom wads/tcs really working.... am now swamped in doom wads - almost 2 SMC's !!!
a new doom version with jumping would be great :)
perhaps its also possible to get around the needing of the doom2 wad.. cause its really big and a bit useless.. ( i play duke with the doom2 wad of goldeneye)
If you guys all work together... that would be really amazing!
perhaps i look at doom editing again ;)
craigix posted on Feb 18 2004 at 06:58 PM said:
I guess I could help at maybe make up a version of doom with jump enabled?
And please make one with the maximum screen size enabled as default. In this mode sounds don't crackle.

This also reminds me of a post I read somewhere where it was asked if there was a 3D engine for the GP32 - Craig answered "Yes - Doom". It couldn't be more true, as we can see now.
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Hey Craig don't you think it would be better to port the real Duke Nukem instead of a Doom 2 with jump enabled?

I just want to know if it's possible to port Duke Nukem with a good framerate and would it be difficult?
how about making it from the 3d engine? it does really need somewone to make and actual game from it and it does look better than the doom engine - clearer
is the 3d engine still in dev?
heard nothing about it for a long time :(
still a gp32 of the Duke engine would be the easiest i think...
its to hard to convert evrythign i think?
How long did it take you for this release ?

but would someone work on a real duke port?