New Pwads & Patches For Doom Fans On My Site! :d


Certified Guru
Jan 13, 2004
France (78)

Today there is a surprise for you! :) I release some new PWADS I made for GP Doom to allow you to play all the levels we couldn't before with GP Doom (Thy Flesh Consumed episode 4 for Doom I FULL, Wolfenstein levels 31 & 32 for Doom II, for Plutonia and for TNT = 15 new playable levels on GP32!) Use them as normal PWADS (TNT_FINAL.WAD for example is to use with TNT.WAD...) All Doom levels available now on GP32! :D


I release some weapons patches I made for all Doom version (available in Download > GP Doom section). Those patches improve weapons graphics (better brightness for GP32) and show them more at screen. To use my patches, use Wintex (also in Download > GP Doom section) and merge each patch (with the "Merge in IWAD" command) with each of your Doom version (ex: TNT_PATCH.WAD with your TNT.WAD). Enjoy them! :D


- I modified the Star Wars PWAD so that it could now run with Doom I FULL AND Doom shareware (available in Download > GP Doom section). :)

- When I get my BLU, I will try to fix crashes in Western PWAD. As far as I know, it works well on PC but I can't really test it without any GP32, therefore I can't fix the problem for the moment. :)

- I found the way to save states in Eternal Doom III but it's not very convenient. In fact GP Doom won't allow you to save any state in a PWAD if it is over 20 MB (but IWADS work with any file size). And here it's 34 MB! So you can divide it into 3-5 parts in order to launch them separately but it's not very funny! :) The second solution consists in merging the Eternal Doom III PWAD in the original doom2.wad with Wintex that you can easily find on the net or download it on Download > GP Doom section. Enjoy now save states on Eternal Doom III on GP32! :D
Robster posted on Apr 20 2004 at 04:47 AM said:
Way to go Drumaster :D

Thanks for all your work, it makes a great game even greater!
Thank you very much Robster, you're nice. :)
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Hey Drumaster, I dunno if it was you or Falken that originally ported over Hacx, but it has a number of problems. A lot of levels have invisble walls that I am assuming are supposed to be shown or are supposed to be platforms in the air. Level 5 has a horrible glitch where the ground and ceiling are completely black and everything runs really slowly (not like there's slowdown, it just moves like it's stuck in mud) and enemies are all floating in the air. Level 4 has a teleporter that does not work which you need to enter to continue in the level. The PWAD is also missing a lot of cool stuff that works in the original (all background objects destroyable), but I am assuming you cut those out.

This is easily my favorite PWAD. Please try to fix the errors when you get a chance. :D
IntenseWage posted on Apr 20 2004 at 05:23 AM said:
Hey Drumaster, I dunno if it was you or Falken that originally ported over Hacx, but it has a number of problems. A lot of levels have invisble walls that I am assuming are supposed to be shown or are supposed to be platforms in the air. Level 5 has a horrible glitch where the ground and ceiling are completely black and everything runs really slowly (not like there's slowdown, it just moves like it's stuck in mud) and enemies are all floating in the air. Level 4 has a teleporter that does not work which you need to enter to continue in the level. The PWAD is also missing a lot of cool stuff that works in the original (all background objects destroyable), but I am assuming you cut those out.

This is easily my favorite PWAD. Please try to fix the errors when you get a chance. :D
I thought level 5 was a bug before so I tried the original version on PC.
And no it's normal there aren't any ceiling and ground, normal too that the ennemies are floating... I assure you on the original PC version, it's the same... :)

I volontary removed some stuff and object because they were blocking a lot of waysbecause you could not go through into them.
Those were dstroyable on the REAL Hacx on pc but NOT in the Hacx TC because in Doom II it's imposible to destroy object, the 3D engine doesn't allow it, and I fixed all the bugs about that.

You should try the original TC and you'll see it's much more unplayable! :D
You can find it here :
Original Hacx TC
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Thank you Falken, you're nice. ;)
So it means all my PWADS work very well on GP32? (I tested only on PC as you can imagine...)
Drumaster, I went through the PC version and it has all the same level bugs. Basically, some of the levels are just COMPLETELY screwed up. I think you'd have a perfect PWAD if you just plain removed levels 5, 10, 20, and 21. They're all totally f'ed. The other levels work great.
IntenseWage posted on Apr 21 2004 at 01:20 AM said:
Drumaster, I went through the PC version and it has all the same level bugs. Basically, some of the levels are just COMPLETELY screwed up. I think you'd have a perfect PWAD if you just plain removed levels 5, 10, 20, and 21. They're all totally f'ed. The other levels work great.
You're right but I would preserve the author's will in keeping all the levels so that people wouldn't complain about missing levels from the original. :)
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Maybe you should e-mail the author and ask him if it would be ok to remove the levels. It's seriously a pain in the ass to be playing and get stuck in one of those levels. They're unpassable in their current state.
Are you two sure that it's the levels that are bad? As far as I know, the original Hacx used either a dehacked patch, or had a modified Doom2.exe file with it. The game had different behaviour than the base Doom2 behaviour.
It used a DeHacked patch, but it does nothing for the levels that are messed up. It has its own EXE file, too, but that also does nothing.