New To The Scene

  • Thread starter Thread starter chrisnic0
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Hi, im a total newbie. Ive just got my self a GP from Gbax.
I had a read of the FAQs etc but still unsure on the best frimware to upgrade to.
If i am right the multifirmware 2 only has wind ups 0.9 but isnt there a new 1.0 version out. I was also wondering what sofware and firmware you guys use as you all seem pretty clued up and you can give me the best advise.
Also is there any stuff you would recommend me getting/downloading.

Thanks for you time
the firmware I would go for (and have ) is Aqua multi firmware 5.01
this firware has the euro built in but it has a config tool that lets you load bin files so you can put all the firmwares you like on ie original korean ,euro releace , new blu,also the multi firmwares..etc also has pacrom wind-ups and others built in mfw501.rar
wellcom to the scene :)

oh and here is his site
there's a firmware flashing guide here.

and also if windups 1.0 is new what is this file i have punto>point cero>zero hmm windups 2.0 BETA?

i'm using it and it seems to be the same as 1.0 except that launcher screen which makes access to the windups desktop one step more.
Hi @ all,

Whats the best games?/ whats worth me downloading?
List all the best software that i sould be using GPcinema etc?
I want your advise

Aquafish's Firmware is the best in my opinion and what I currently run.

Windups 2 is a bit rubbish really, I couldn't see what the major improvements were (A whole new version number!) and it has a useless and unskinnable startup screen which gets in the way, my advice is to stick with version 1.

hell i run aquafishes mf v.06, its old, but still suits me just fine.
chrisnic0 posted on Sep 2 2004 at 08:11 AM said:
Hi @ all,

Whats the best games?/ whats worth me downloading?
List all the best software that i sould be using GPcinema etc?
I want your advise


Emulators are a big draw for this system so I would recommend getting LittleJohn 0.3 for the NES, FGen for Sega Genesis, GPEngine for TG16/PCEngine Fsms32 for Sega Master System and Gamegear and Fgb32 or GBVGB for Gameboy. Also get GPCinima for movies and a few good homebrew games such as Astroids, Falldown and Pang. Almost if not all the games can be found on this site.
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chrisnic0 posted on Sep 2 2004 at 11:29 AM said:
Hi, im a total newbie. Ive just got my self a GP from Gbax.
I had a read of the FAQs etc but still unsure on the best frimware to upgrade to.
If i am right the multifirmware 2 only has wind ups 0.9 but isnt there a new 1.0 version out. I was also wondering what sofware and firmware you guys use as you all seem pretty clued up and you can give me the best advise.
Also is there any stuff you would recommend me getting/downloading.

Thanks for you time

Assuming that you got a BLU, I wouldn't bother with flashing to any other firmware. You could end up with an unuseable GP32 if the flash fails and the Euro FW is good as is. That is my opinion.
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