I'm All New To This...

I spoke to morgans today, they don't have many zodiacs and its an end of line product (we wanted to buy some), that is they won't get anymore, tapwave have ceased their UK hardware sales and the Z is in effect in the bargain basement bin.

I'd also be worried about the battery - when it breaks thats the end of your Z.

It is a good price though, if you want a PDA.


You would know the answer to this I would imagine, sensible...

Is there an Amiga emulator for the GP32? I've been hearing people enjoying playing Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder on their Zodiacs and this could sway me over to the dark side...
There's no amiga emulator for the gp32, but yes, there is one for the Zodiac. Have no fear however as most games are still unplayable. It's GPL code however if it gets any better, so could be ported to the GP32.

The Zodiac is a smart looking machine, but it looks like Tapwave are now trying to dig a hole and throw it in, RIP-style, so I certainly wouldn't recommend a purchase at this late stage. If you need a PDA and your bank balance can afford it, buy a GP32 and a PocketPC, until such time as someone brings out a PPC with decent gaming controls.

To be honest, the only thing I've used my Z2 for in the past week is the alarm clock feature :o :D
dont think its up to much atm, skieezix might be doing one for the gp but i doubt it.

but saying that im enjoying the emulators on the gp atm, plently of good games. the thought of swos on the move is good, but its one i can live without it.

but im a mega gp32 fanboy i love the whole community....
I owned a Zodiac several times and in all honesty, I never really used it as a game machine, or much at all if anything. Its a great looking unit and all but I don't really need one, I have a mp3 player for music and Gp32 for games. If I need to store contact information etc.. I have a cell phone.

The only time I would recommend getting a Zodiac if you need a PDA, other then that, I wouldn't recommend it, even at its great price I wouldn't take it. You also get a low resell value if you ever do decide on sell it. I know my opinion may be biased but take it or leave it :)
Squidge posted on Mar 18 2005 at 09:49 PM said:
There's no amiga emulator for the gp32, but yes, there is one for the Zodiac. Have no fear however as most games are still unplayable. It's GPL code however if it gets any better, so could be ported to the GP32.

Well there really isn't one for the Zodiac either ;) I mean they call it an "Amiga emulator" but it is quite useless at the speed and compatibility that it offers. I guess there are Amiga emus that are decent for high spec 600 Mhz PPCs, but on the 193 Mhz Zodiac I doubt anything very useable will ever come of it.

You are better off with CaSTaway which runs great and a bit better on the GP32 ATM, and is kind of like an Amiga, Kind of.
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Bronze posted on Mar 19 2005 at 02:29 AM said:
OK then folks, its crunch time.

I'm convinced to get a 166mhz GP32... but what else do I need to get started?
I'm buying from http://www.gbax.com/new/gp32.html which states I get a free SMC with it (I'll get a 128mb one later).

Is the mini keyboard essential for emulating?

Nah, the keyboard is not needed. I don't have one and I use plenty of emus. It would be nice for some things in the future but not needed right away.

All you need is the system and some blank SMCs. A card reader is recommended too they are cheap and make transfering files much easier. The PC-Link can be finicky on some computers, I have always used a reader.
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Thanks for your help everyone! I'm sure I'll be posting again with kicking and screaming for help and eventually passing on advice of my own and reviews for games.

Bronze posted on Mar 19 2005 at 03:29 AM said:
OK then folks, its crunch time.

I'm convinced to get a 166mhz GP32... but what else do I need to get started?
I'm buying from http://www.gbax.com/new/gp32.html which states I get a free SMC with it (I'll get a 128mb one later).

Is the mini keyboard essential for emulating?

I'm in the same position as you Bronse :). Also looking at getting a 166 MHz and accessories. One question though, it says "Free SMC/Games". Does that mean both or one or the other. What size is the SMC? I'm probably also going to get the adapter, case and USB SMC Reader/Writer.

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Bronze posted on Mar 18 2005 at 06:43 PM said:
Wow, well congratualtions to you all for convincing me this is the best community I have ever seen in one single thread!

I think I'm going to go for the GP32 on the basis that looking around on the web, there isn't much support for it software-wise and your comments about the stick have put me off it a lot

I'll buy from that link - but I'm a little concerned about it being a BLU+... are there compatibility issues with it then?

Or worse still, is there a new model in the pipeline soon?

If Reesy goes we're doomed!!!!

I bought a BLU+ from GBAX about a month ago! And it has been nothing but bliss! I have found no probs with compatibility (well, none that I couldn't get over-Snes runs fine on version .97 - although slow and no sound! But with DRMD, who needs it (I do :D )). But it really is a wonderful little machine.

People here are very helpful. They helped my really stupid early questions ("How do I open the box", "Where do I put the batteries"). And if you search the FAQs somebody has probably already posted an answer.

It's just the games, I'm playing Phantasy Star4 at the moment. On a handheld! :D


EDIT BUY A SMC CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's useless with out one 128 is the biggest you can get for it, and you NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The supplied game is not very good. Craig at GBAX throws in a CD with emulators and a few homebrew games. It's a good start.
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firefly1201 posted on Mar 19 2005 at 12:09 PM said:
It comes with a 16MB SMC which contains the commercial game Dungeon & Guarder

Can this 16MB SMC be formatted like any other SMC card (should I not like the game)

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Probably, but why bother? Get a 128 one. It costs so little, and you want to just leave it in (except when sticking it in the card reader, so much easier than the usb link!).

I have two cards. One just for Mame, and the other for everything else. And I mean everything! Hundreds of speccy, GBcolour, C64 games, PC engine, genesis (megadrive), nes etc.
If Reesy goes, you still got me, the most idle coder alive :D :) So all is not lost ;)

Don't forget the smc reader/writer.
I was going to get the 128MB SMC as well <thinks of all those arcade classiscs>. You guys must be really exited about Mame GP32 at the moment (I am). Before hearing about the GP32, I was going to build a dedicated cabinet in honour. Now Mame on a handheld <drool>. I'm in heaven :D
