Okay, so in THEORY, as someone who doesn't own a device (obviously, or I'd be reporting, not asking

, this is how it's supposed to work.
GStreamer is essentially supposed to be the "lego" of video/audio playback frameworks. Every single piece is a plug, from the video to the audio to the subs. TI-Openmax plugs into this framework. Essentially, it's supposed to offer a seamless experience for acceleration as follows:
Let's say you have an MP4 with H.264 (baseline) 720p video and, oh, say, DTS audio. You start up Totem (Gstreamer video player) and the video automatically gets accelerated by the chip. The audio, on the other hand, as it's not compatible with the DSP, falls back to the ARM processor. Same situation if it's AAC audio and Sorenson (ugh) video in an MKV container. Gstreamer software handles MKV demuxing and Sorenson (ugh again) playback while the DSP handles the audio. Or MKV with H.264 video, or Xvid video, or pretty much anything gstreamer can handle one way or another.
However, that's the
theory, as found in the Wikipedia article on Gstreamer. YMMV, and that's precisely why I put this question out to devs

For instance, I'm not sure if Gstreamer can handle acceleratable video with subtitles, and if it falls back to software video playback OR just doesn't render the subtitles. So once again, devs, any info on the matter would be greatly appreciated