New Linux Distro For Pandora


Still Fresh
Oct 7, 2008
First of all, hello everyone, I am new to this board.

I ran into this article on

"At its Vision 2008 conference yesterday, MontaVista Software announced that its Mobilinux distribution has been optimized for the Texas Instruments (TI) OMAP35x system-on-chip (SoC)....
.....According to MontaVista, the combination of the OMAP35x and Mobilinux 5.0, the mobile version of its MontaVista Linux distribution, is a good match for streaming video, 2D/3D mobile graphics, video conferencing, and video capture. Likely devices for the duo include portable navigation devices, Internet appliances, and portable patient monitoring devices, says the company.....
....MontaVista Mobilinux 5.0 for TI's OMAP3 platform is available now, says MontaVista."

Seems like there is a linux distro specifically tailored to Pandora now (they did go to great lengths explaining how its been optimized for the BeagleBoard"


Cant wait to get mine.
Mobilinux is an extremely small distro specifically tailored for smartphones, and does not include any sort of GUI. That's not to say somebody couldn't build an alternative Pandora OS on top of Mobilinux, but it's hardly a turnkey solution.
Ahh, sorry, it was just interesting to see a distro mentioning the exact pandora chipset in the news. Thought it might be interesting. :pandora1:
We could get the same thing by compiling any existing distro with Code Sourcery and a few optimization flags, more than likely. You'd probably not notice any discernable difference in speed, I'd bet.
Senor Quack said:
We could get the same thing by compiling any existing distro with Code Sourcery and a few optimization flags, more than likely. You'd probably not notice any discernable difference in speed, I'd bet.

Nope. MontaVista does a lot of source level optimizations. The problem is that they break so many things in doing so. Really their distros are meant for proprietary devices like the TiVo where linux is used as the base environment merely for it's kernel and basic structure. The UI and actual work is done by proprietary software, that was coded by them for the client or the client them self.
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