New render of the Pyra

Those are some good looking keys, I hope the rendering is accurate. The boring looking case can use something to make it not look a decade old. the outside kind of have the logo-thing, but the way those keys looks makes it look new and exclusive. And that would not be lying =)
Seems many of us like the way the keys look with the caps.

ED, do you know what type of plastic will be used for the caps?  Just wondering how clear it will be and if it will actually have that look.  I like the look of the flat tops more than the convex keys on the Pandora, however I won't know if I like how they feel until I try it.  Hurry up and finish so I can send you money and get one in my hands.
As the printing is on the inside of the printing, they need to be totally clear otherwise you couldn't read them.

It should be pretty accurate - though one thing I'm still working on is the large surroundings (where the keys look blacker right now).

This would also let through the backlight, so you would have huge rectangles around the key. This needs to be solved!
yay! love that c64 breadbox grey! :)

the blender-shader could need a tiny percentage of

(blurry) reflection added to bring the surface alive

and show the shape better.

and yes, we need an official dragonbox pyra sticker on the

right frontside! :)

also i would love to see a red pyra-button and the a/b/x/y

buttons in colour too (like in one of the keylayout

proposals from the poll).

a little schneider/amstrad cpc like...

keep up the good work!!!

Still waiting for some picture or render or what this thing would look like with the palm corners rounded out, both open and while closed.
Uggh...the dedicated F11 button becomes reality

I would like to suggest the color Dell used on the XT3 Keyboard for the Fn/Meta/Howeveritmaybecalledeventually - color
Looks awesome! Is this a complete model with internal components? Can we see what it would look like in translucent plastic?  :P
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Whats happening with those curved edges/corner you had sometime ago ?

And is the Fn-Key in an different color ?

Is that not to distracting the view ? (fällt zu sehr ins Auge - in german)

Are these 2 holes next to the Power-Button LEDs oder really holes in the case?

Didn't saw them before in different renders.

Btw: looks awesome in those new 2 renders (I have only to deal with the single brightness button, but I hope its ok when its good implimented)

And wtf are you still online on those early times? (4am local, did twitter said that correct ? Did you moved to china or something?
That shot of the keyboard looks great.  Some really good choices (labeling keyboard function of the gaming buttons, colored logo, etc).  I am content with that layout.  I won't have to fight with it as much as the Pandora.  Thanks for the Usr key!

Now I need to check out the most recent pic.
Uggh...the dedicated F11 button becomes reality
Not necessarily
So is this the Final Keyboard Layout?
Nope, still WIP.
And is the Fn-Key in an different color ? Is that not to distracting the view ? (fällt zu sehr ins Auge - in german)
Fn is in a different colour, just like the Pandora's Fn is in a different colour, so you can associate what each key does when Fn is pressed
Are these 2 holes next to the Power-Button LEDs oder really holes in the case?
yes they are for two RGB Leds

While we're nominating colours, I have to say I'd prefer the secondary symbols to be in blue.   :)
Oh, I thought ED already was on the reddish/orange color track to reflect the fire connection. In that case I want some sort of yellow ;)
While we're nominating colours, I have to say I'd prefer the secondary symbols to be in blue.   :)
Oh, I thought ED already was on the reddish/orange color track to reflect the fire connection. In that case I want some sort of yellow ;)

I have no idea if ED has decided on that or not.  It was _wb_ that's been pushing the fire/red connection,  but personally I don't see a need to link back to that in every aspect of the design.

If not some kind of red, I would prefer a grey for Fn/Meta markings so that they don't grab my attention but I can still find them if I am looking for them.  I prefer red, though.
Whats happening with those curved edges/corner you had sometime ago ?
They are already there. The full surrounding has a curve radius of 3 or 5mm (forgot which one), which is the maximum that works on the case without having to either sacrifice keys or increasing the total size of the unit.

It doesn't look like much but feels a LOT more comfortable than on the Pandora.

And is the Fn-Key in an different color ?
Same reason the Fn key is on the Pandora or every smartphone I've seen so far: So you know this is the key for the secondary layer.

Is that not to distracting the view ? (fällt zu sehr ins Auge - in german)
Um... why should it? It's the same color as all the other symbol keys :)

Are these 2 holes next to the Power-Button LEDs oder really holes in the case?

And wtf are you still online on those early times? (4am local, did twitter said that correct ? Did you moved to china or something?
 I need to finish the GamesCom flyers today. 

While we're nominating colours, I have to say I'd prefer the secondary symbols to be in blue.   :)
Oh, I thought ED already was on the reddish/orange color track to reflect the fire connection. In that case I want some sort of yellow ;)
I have no idea if ED has decided on that or not.  It was _wb_ that's been pushing the fire/red connection,  but personally I don't see a need to link back to that in every aspect of the design.
No idea yet. Right now, it's the same color as on the Motorola Droid 4 (which looks nice - even though it's not my favourite color).

I think it should be something light, otherwise when using backlight, the white and symbol keys will have different brightnesses.

That's why blue might not work as well (unless I use baby blue, which looks ugly).

If not some kind of red, I would prefer a grey for Fn/Meta markings so that they don't grab my attention but I can still find them if I am looking for them.  I prefer red, though.
That won't work, as the chance exists that both will look plain white when the backlight is on. 

Uggh...the dedicated F11 button becomes reality
What's the problem with that? It's the most used F-Key on my Pandora.
Dedicated F11 is a great idea ED, there is no problem.

IMO a deep wine red would be perfect for the Fn layer, or if that's not possible... burnt orange tending towards russet.

Please don't make it a bright primary like blue, red (pink), or yellow... though i could probably get on board with green.

Personaly i think it would be appropriate for the Fn layer to be ever so slightly darker than the top layer.

The different intensities of light would further add to the idea that Fn is in the background, and will be less distracting.