[ New Pandora Use ] flashenv

please help me

i play a game named "abobo.swf"

but no use in the game
i've found the problem to this. the key presses are not taken from x11 events, but the keyboard is read using "XQueryKeymap" ... i need to write some additional library to be able to support keymapping for that.


i've just finished the implementation of that and now key mapping is working for abobo ... I'm going to bed now and will make a release ASAP.
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Like I said, a pnd with a "top ten flash shooter games" or "top ten flash rpgs" would be great. Or a single flash game packed in a pnd with a custom control button file like super hexagon. But a pnd which can download flash games and put them into the right folder would rock too :) .
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Ok, another release is on the repo!

I've added keymapping support by hooking XQueryKeymap - now keymapping works in "abobo.swf", additionally you can now map more than one target key to a pandora button (again for the afforementioned game). See the updated keymap.default for details.

I've implemented reading of local files, too. This makes Super Smash Flash 2 working @askarus :-)

Have fun :)
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Thanks! This update also fixed Hantrainer (quick start instructions: run, optionally choose language, press start, select 'TV mode', enjoy).

But now the background is too dark: black instead of yellow on the loading screen (and similarly wrong later). It was correct in the previous version.
Intrusion runs perfectly! :)   Just have to find out how to remap the keys.

I don't usually like flash games, but flashenv changed that :)
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Thanks! This update also fixed Hantrainer (quick start instructions: run, optionally choose language, press start, select 'TV mode', enjoy).

But now the background is too dark: black instead of yellow on the loading screen (and similarly wrong later). It was correct in the previous version.
oh well i added some flash initialization var which might cause this. will remove it again (or make it configurable)
and another release on the repo

main change is that i've replaced zentiy file dialog with my own SDL based UI

other changes (from changelog) are:

! fixed downloading + loading of remote files

! dont set bgcolor attribute (should fix incorrect background colors in some apps)
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and another release on the repo

main change is that i've replaced zentiy file dialog with my own SDL based UI

other changes (from changelog) are:

! fixed downloading + loading of remote files

! dont set bgcolor attribute (should fix incorrect background colors in some apps)
Haven't tested much, but HanTrainer seems to be perfect now. Thank you very much!