Hacked Up (Internal) Emflashplayer.gpu For Use With Picklelauncher


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
As per my intresting nitbits thread, i hacked up the internal flashplayer to work with PickleLauncher so you now have a caanoo SWF file player (the swf playback isn't great, expect crashes, i did not create this app nor port it, it's just the internal flash player found on the file system). Also the extension of the file is case sensitive so lower case only (like filename.swf and not filename.SWF !!)


This is the internal Emfflashplayer.gpu hacked up (hex-edit the relaunch menu command out and replaced it with cd ./ & ls ./ commands) 
so that you are able to use it with pickle menu. I didn't want to replace the internal flashplayer executable so i just copied over all 
needed files to a new direcotry.

don't expect much from it, it can play basic swf files and it uses the touch screen but it sure isn't as compatible as one would expect. 
Don't throw big swf files at it since it won't run. The app crashes a lot as well when given bad swf files it doesn't like. Sound also works 
(at least with the swf's i tried).

To install place the flashplayer_c folder and flashplayer_c.ini file in the "apps" folder on your sd card. IT MUST BE PLACED THERE AND ONLY THERE !

PickleLaucner is included as well is the skin i (/ joyrider) made for it,which i'll include in my sms_sdl port as well. This version of PickleLauncher 
contains an unused button (it's shown in blue, below the normal buttons). for more info on pickle launcher read the files in the docs directory !

http://rapidshare.com/files/424490505/flashplayer_c.zip (limited downloads / don't have rapidshare account)
http://hotfile.com/dl/75392342/3c93db9/flashplayer_c.zip.html (unlimited downloads)

Is there any way to tell what version of flash or what specific features the internal flash player supports?
unfortunaly no, since there is to my knowledge no information to be found about the flash player on the caanoo, maybe it's a left over from the wiz maybe not. It could also be that they are still implementing the flashplayer and that it'll be availible in future firmware update, but noone knows about this, too early to tell anyway but at least you got something to play with now ;)

There is one thing you could do, download flash and create your own (diffrent) swf (version) files and see which one loads and which doesn't.

I do know sound works and touch screen is being used but i couldn't find good example swf files to test. the "I" key is also the key to quit the swf player and if it hangs you'd probably have to restart the caanoo or it might crashed back to picklelauncher...
great job played everything i chucked at it, some games slow and some with dodgy sound but still good for a first go, some controls would be handy :-)

paul3100 said:
great job played everything i chucked at it, some games slow and some with dodgy sound but still good for a first go, some controls would be handy :-)


well i can't add anything it's just the flash swf player that came with the caanoo, it was already there when you bought it but did not work unless you used telnet or sumething, i just made it more accessible for other users... I did notice that it looks for a key definitions file well at least it had references to a certain file, but i didn't look into that yet, i'll have to seek through it using an hex editor once more and i don't have my caanoo with me here...

downloaded an hex editor to this pc and looked it through again, it has references to : "/usr/gp2x/keyconfig.ini" i can change that to ./keyconfig.ini but the problem is i don't have my caanoo with me so i can check if that file even exists... If a WIZ user could check that the file exists that would be nice :)

edit 2: /usr/gp2x/keyconfig.ini exists on the wiz, but i don't have one myself and it does NOT exists on the caanoo, i can probably make it work if a wiz user copies that file over for me and see if it gets used, i would probably just have to edit the ini file and change button settings to the caanoo ones ;) if someone would do this for me i'd be happy
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Hmm someone uploaded the files to the archive, what's the use of a "beta section" when people take your BETA files and upload them to the archive when you don't want this to happen...

Whoever uploaded that, i can upload files myselve, whenever i want this to happen, there is a reason why I DID NOT DO THAT MYSELF !
hey joyrider, just came across your post ... still interested in "/usr/gp2x/keyconfig.ini" ? (me haz wiz)
crow_riot said:
hey joyrider, just came across your post ... still interested in "/usr/gp2x/keyconfig.ini" ? (me haz wiz)

it would be nice if you could upload it (if it exists), if it does exists it's a file that gets generated somehow but dunno how and when, since i downloaded a firmware for the wiz and found out the file was not supllied with it (it's an old firmware though)
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Hey guys, this is probably a stupid question so sorry in advance if it is. The Wiz has an option to let the screen time out when not being used, can that be taken from a Wiz firmware and ported to the Caanoo or is that something GPH would have to do? Sorry for going off topic joyrider but this thread made me think of that.
joyrider said:
crow_riot said:
hey joyrider, just came across your post ... still interested in "/usr/gp2x/keyconfig.ini" ? (me haz wiz)

it would be nice if you could upload it (if it exists), if it does exists it's a file that gets generated somehow but dunno how and when, since i downloaded a firmware for the wiz and found out the file was not supllied with it (it's an old firmware though)

here you go, it's just a few bytes in size ... seems like a simple keycode translation table...

top_left = 100
top_right = 97
key_a = 115
key_b = 13
key_x = 32
key_y = 8
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crow_riot said:
here you go, it's just a few bytes in size ... seems like a simple keycode translation table...

top_left = 100
top_right = 97
key_a = 115
key_b = 13
key_x = 32
key_y = 8

Hey cow_riot thanks a lot, i think i was close to the same layout when i created that ini file (didn't had the section name right), and i'm not certain if its still being used on the caanoo version so i'll have to test it out this evening or something to see if the keys do anything :) Lets hope so hehe

thanks again, will keep you posted.

@Orion4874 : Not possible since porting things require source code and the menu systems from gph are closed source so no way to do that. The flashplayer here, is the one that was included with the caanoo firmware, but it wasn't used and i guess it's a left over from the wiz, but it does work. I hacked it up so that it doesn't load the default menu anymore and can be used with pickleLauncher :)
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Ok, so I found this topic by searching because I'm trying to get the flashplayer to work. From what I'm seeing I'm still confused if anyone ever figured out if they could change the controls or not...and if so how to? I saw the little bit of code, but have not idea what to do with that...Anyways, if someone could help me with this it would be much appreciated.
Nunez said:
Ok, so I found this topic by searching because I'm trying to get the flashplayer to work. From what I'm seeing I'm still confused if anyone ever figured out if they could change the controls or not...and if so how to? I saw the little bit of code, but have not idea what to do with that...Anyways, if someone could help me with this it would be much appreciated.

well i tried the file but it had no effect on the flashplayer so basically we have no idea on how to change the keybindings, we don't have source either, the emfflashplayer was something that was on the nand of the caanoo but it could not work right because you had no way to give it an swf file except by telnet commands. so i changed the menu relaunching bit, copied the needed files from the nand to a new directory so it could be made to work with picklelauncher (and no telnet was needed anymore).

I/we can't do much more on the keybinding part since no source code, to my knowledge, is availible for this unfortunatly
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Maybe I've just been download the wrong games, but I'm not getting the same results Paul3100 has been seeming to get. I'm not expecting much, but I was hoping to atleast get one or two to work...sigh. Oh well, I know it's not your fault. I think i'm just getting unlucky with my choice of swf files.