New Notice From Friends :)

Anyone up to translate this

Everyone would love a good translation. Not some weird babelfish or google translate :P.
hahaha look at google trans:
37 [ common knowledge facts ] t.v-out cable boat song  address fringe land guidance.  06|01|05 39 customer new year luck  receive plentifully.  Even in the damage from cold weather which will  come with laugh the happiness low route era gives full in the customer family.  The t.v-out the cable boat song with it relates and  entrusting it gives the coordination of customer everybody's.  Example the purchase time address which sells and member joining hour address, li call or AS application hour the address which it draws up beriberi  the boat song does with case and which address of the different  customer field and to the difficulty subtracting considerable  possibility customer must give the boat cluster it delays.  It  complicates but to the customer field where the address is changed  after changing with week possession of the place which it will receive from the gun which the E which stands is it is a AS application '   Address fringe land '  It leaves the writing with the subject  which is and it gives and and is changed when to enter the address  which, the speed governing boat song to do and in order to give.  When the boat song ci the fringe land until next week Monday afternoon 4:00 is possible and the boat cluster to the customer field which delays  wholly the boat song the plan which will become comes is possible at  Monday 6:00, until this week end address it will yell, when to change, thanks it will give.  New year luck it receives plentifully, even in  the damage from cold weather which will come to all customers good  10000 it is eras it gives.  Thank you.
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Speaking about the TV out cable when is it gonna be compatible with the Game player instead of just the movie player?
Who remembers that translation for the name contest that said, "Animal Protection Area is Horny"?
:) Nothing special.

They just want korean customers to confirm their address for TV-out cable shipping - Some customers changed thier address when they sent their recalled units (from the one they used when they ordered).

EDIT: Actually, I already got mine a week ago, but still haven't test yet - busy for work :(
Me too. I got my unit back on Monday. I have hardly had time to use it as teaching has been insanely busy so far this month. I will hopefully test it this weekend. It would be really great if it allowed playing games on the TV though. Especially with the 720 resolution. Could we end up playing games with resolutions higher than 320 in their native resolution?
Me too. I got my unit back on Monday. I have hardly had time to use it as teaching has been insanely busy so far this month. I will hopefully test it this weekend. It would be really great if it allowed playing games on the TV though. Especially with the 720 resolution. Could we end up playing games with resolutions higher than 320 in their native resolution?

I wouldn't think that you could play games in a higher resolution than they were created. They would either be scaled or displayed in 240P like old consoles were.
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Me too. I got my unit back on Monday. I have hardly had time to use it as teaching has been insanely busy so far this month. I will hopefully test it this weekend. It would be really great if it allowed playing games on the TV though. Especially with the 720 resolution. Could we end up playing games with resolutions higher than 320 in their native resolution?

I wouldn't think that you could play games in a higher resolution than they were created. They would either be scaled or displayed in 240P like old consoles were.

I'm mainly thinking of the developper no longer having to scale the display to fit the constraints of the GP2X. We could play CoMI in SCUMMVM in 640x480 on our televisions.
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