Korean 2x Has News.

A horrible babelfished translation seems to indicate the following:

details on the recall

Next patch will improve support for 2gb SD, USB recognition, fix issues such as the screen flickering and (possibly) increase battery life from 3 to 4 hours.

then has some details about accessories to buy
Bablefish translation makes as much sense as usual. Only thing I can say for certain is that they will release a new firmware tomorrow (15th) :P
abigsmurf posted on Dec 14 2005 at 09:41 PM said:
A horrible babelfished translation seems to indicate the following:

details on the recall

Next patch will improve support for 2gb SD, USB recognition, fix issues such as the screen flickering and (possibly) increase battery life from 3 to 4 hours.

then has some details about accessories to buy

That all very well but whats that to do with "game green onion khu" :angry:
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Eolair posted on Dec 14 2005 at 10:44 PM said:
Bablefish translation makes as much sense as usual. Only thing I can say for certain is that they will release a new firmware tomorrow (15th) :P

I hope you can use that update with any SD card, I just don`t have the money to afford another 256mb sd card... It should be a simple executable run through utilities menu or something...

Battery life increase, yai! And no more flickering (and scanlines possible gone too!?!) would be really great!
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I'll be very happy with the flickering issue fix ... it's starting to bug me :)
Here's the translation that I got:

33 [Notice Matter] Recall Improvement Matter and Refundment Day are Well-known. 05|12|14 2181. Improvement Matter and Refundment Schedule Guidance through Recall . appreciated if a visitor consults the lower well-known contents, since the guidance difference has been carried out to the matter shortly improved through a recall, and a refundment-after 追 schedule * ******************************************************************** 1) Recall functional improvement guidance next time recall a LCD functional improvement -- together -- . which is carrying out general repair and general check to SD card, battery use time extension, etc. -- each functional improvement matter is as follows * 2G SD card recognition : new firmware is upgraded into a recall this time, and it is 2G SD. . whose use the card enabled partially The improvement matter is as follows. - improvement store: PC It was carried in GP2x. 2G SD card Data transmission and a copy are possible through a USB cable (GP2x . by which sending the data currently piled in the carried 2G SD card with PC was not able to be embodied yet . which is due to enable embodiment of this till the end of December, or 1 beginning of the month). * Power management (battery use time) : the improvement matter is as follows in a recall shortly. - Improvement store: It maintains so that a deviation may fix the severe battery use time for every equipment. - Improvement store: At the time of the animation drive as 2500mA (earphone use) Abbreviation Like [ 3 hour ] drive (. use is due to make possible for longest 4 hours till the end of December, or 1 beginning of the month) * LCD quality-of-image improvement : screen brightness improvement / Screen shaking improvement / In the screen wave phenomenon improvement LCD, a recall is led shortly. AS Although the horizontal line handle also behind detailed on a screen has occurred, this is used [ inner / be / it ] now. Since it is the characteristic of LCD LCD Finally the improvement was finished up through the recall recently. In the inside of the upper improvement matter 2G In recognition and power management, it is in this week, or is 来週超. It is due for a visitor to enable direct installation through the 4th firmware. Just before a recall People which received AS It is distributed on December 15. What is necessary is just to install the 4th firmware. ******************************************************************* 2. Refundment Period Extension Guidance . made to repay in order that the visitor who opts for refundment after a recall or according to an improvement-after 追 matter may take care not to receive disadvantageous profit, and to extend a period I appreciate, if a lower guidance matter is surely referred to. 1) Refundment period extension: Up to January 10, 2006 2) Refundment procedure : head office homepage (www.gp2x.co.kr) If an equipment, a composition article, and accessories are sent after proposing by repaying to the AS application column, it will be after product warehousing. It is made to have repaid and processed within 48 hours. 3) the time of refundment -- notes: . (. which it will visit directly [ mailman 粉餌 ] if you telephone in your house) appreciated if * post office delivery is used * the time of sending a product -- surely -- composition article (dry cell exclusion) the case where . composition article which is sent together and to desire falls out, and is carried out -- about the price of a composition article -- a refund -- a total -- if an equipment and all composition articles are surely sent together when [ which it must remain at と or a visitor burden, and must send a composition article ] surely sending a product, it will be chewing gum SADORAGESSUBUNI * The amount of money by which a total is carried out at the time of ** composition article omission omission is as follows. - Carrying case (bag) : 18,000won - USB Cable: 1,500won - A hand strip and liquid crystal DAKKUGE, and SD Card case: 各 1,000won * AS It applies. When changing by refundment in a recall application, or - When changing by the reversionary return which it stocked that a visitor crawls by AS application or recall in composition 品未備 An open sea at a total or visitor expense by the refund together with the above in the composition article which fell out from eve GOBUN on December 17, 2005, and was carried out a composition article It must send, and since the reversionary return which the composition article stocked is due to be realized, I ask you for comprehension of visitors. * since DOEO and delivery expense are processed at a visitor burden so that a visitor's goods deliver immediately and it may raise, if it applies for refundment when a visitor's goods are stocked together those days which it stocks that a visitor crawls by AS application or recall when are converted into refundment in AS application or a recall application and - visitor goods are stocked at the ham time -- an advantage visitor's comprehension wish -- I does Game PAKUHORUDINGUSU . for which I am thankful to many visitors who do not break expectation to GP2x once again While it is early, it is made to reward expectation and encouragement of a visitor, as it stabilizes crawling and the highest performance is embodied. Thank you
Well, I don't think it is necessary cause babelfish did quite a good job, anyway I translated it here.

1. Improvements via recall.

* 2G SD
- Some 2G SD will be recognized with new firmware
- PC to GP2x will be okay but GP2x to PC is not supported yet (Late Dec. or Jan.)

* Battery usage
- Fix problems some devices have with power comsumption
- Now everything will play movie more than 3hours with 2500mhA
(It will be 4 after lade Dec. or Jan.)

- Increase brightness and reduce flinkering

New firmware will be announced Dec. 15th for whom does not sent recall.


2. Increase warranty period (refund)

1) You can get full refund without question till Jan.10th, 2006

2) Process of refund
Write a note on AS forum of www.gp2x.co.kr and send all accessaries with device.
Refund will be paid within 48hours after we got machine.


I skipped some lines not important.

Well, not much improvement, isn't it?
I don't have 2G SD, my GP runs more than 3hours with 2300 already. And we already have LCD tweaker.

Hmmm. let see what will be more on new firmware..

EDIT: Refund will be till Jan.10th not Jan. 1st. Stupid confusion.
mittens posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:52 PM said:
2) Process of refund
Write a note on AS forum of www.gp2x.co.kr and send all accessaries with device.
Refund will be paid within 48hours after we got machine.

I assume this is only for those who ordered from their site, or at least can speak korean, am I correct?
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reallynotnick posted on Dec 15 2005 at 01:06 AM said:
mittens posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:52 PM said:
2) Process of refund
Write a note on AS forum of www.gp2x.co.kr and send all accessaries with device.
Refund will be paid within 48hours after we got machine.

I assume this is only for those who ordered from their site, or at least can speak korean, am I correct?

Well, I believe it is for 500 units of THE first batch in korea. (which is for recall now)

But you can do that also if you want, I believe. (even english..I bet..
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God dammit, I just bought a GP2X two days ago with a 1GB SD card and now they release the new firmware supporting 2GB.
Anhaedra posted on Dec 15 2005 at 04:26 AM said:
God dammit, I just bought a GP2X two days ago with a 1GB SD card and now they release the new firmware supporting 2GB.

Take it easy, it wil go further like 4 or 8G, who knows.

I'm just satisfied with my 2 1G SDs.
It is easy to sort things out on two, not one.
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