Release New Interview With Craig Regarding Pandora

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i just cant bloody get away from that Of mice and men, currently revising it for a test in a couple of days got sick of looking at it.

anyway will comment back after reading
EDIT not much to comment on
The article was a good reed :D
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Xian Long said:
bad news guys, the pandora 2 can only support QBasic.
OH WOW! QBASIC!!1!!11!
My favourite language of all time! I've heard you can make squares and shit!
Hey, could someone help me make Halo 4 in QBasic so it's ready before the Pandora 2 comes out, please, please?!
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It's BASIC! BASIC is just about the easiest language you could ever do anything in. To make Halo 4, all you need to do is enter the following.
100 dim game
200 game = halo4
300 run game

Save and let the BASIC interpreter figure out the rest. That's what it's there for after all, to interpret what you mean.
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Does my avatar make you dizzy? Congratulations, you are running a modern browser with APNG support!

your avatar doesn`t make ME dizzy....I`m running a modern browser with Adblock plus support :P

It's BASIC! BASIC is just about the easiest language you could ever do anything in. To make Halo 4, all you need to do is enter the following.
100 dim game
200 game = halo4
300 run game

Save and let the BASIC interpreter figure out the rest. That's what it's there for after all, to interpret what you mean.

HEY!....that worked 8o ??????
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hobbyman II said:
Does my avatar make you dizzy? Congratulations, you are running a modern browser with APNG support!
your avatar doesn`t make ME dizzy....I`m running a modern browser with Adblock plus support :P

Then it no longer has APNG support! You see, my reasoning will always be true (and don't say that you don't become dizzy when looking at my (animated) image, because that doesn't change the truthfulness of my statement; although it would become false if you become dizzy even WITHOUT APNG support, but thats your ...problem, then)

hobbyman II said:
HEY!....that worked 8o ??????
Whay do you think that the people at Bungie do? How do you think that they release their games so quickly? Here's the secret! Everyone can make their own Halo 4 in no-time!
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Unfathomable Depths said:
Us pros go up in 1s.. :P

I have yet to meet a BASIC pro.
And to meet someone who can state that he is a BASIC pro and have a smiley on the same line as that statement is such an inconcievable impossibility, because it is by Newton's 4th law impossible to associate joy with BASIC in any way.

I congratulate you, sir: through the power of logic and the truthfulness of the above two statements, it was proven that you do not exist.


@lulzfish: wtf is a virtual memory address? There are physical, mapped and logical user-accessible memory addresses that you would use for a normal program afaik, but no virtual ones. I smell the BS even from over here :P
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I have yet to meet a BASIC pro.
And to meet someone who can state that he is a BASIC pro and have a smiley on the same line as that statement is such an inconcievable impossibility, because it is by Newton's 4th law impossible to associate joy with BASIC in any way.

Pro means you get paid. Im actually an anti-pro. I got paid NOT to go write in BASIC.

Check and mate
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'dflemstr' said:
I have yet to meet a BASIC pro.
If by "pro" you mean somebody who did it as part of their job, then I suppose I'm a BASIC pro. Specifically ControlBASIC, a highly specialized version used to program HVAC controller boards made by Reliable and KMC.

And for the record, I increment my line numbers by 10.
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I never got REAL good at it but I loved Basic back on my old Spectravideo Svi-328. I numbered my lines by 10 as well...added by 5's then added more 1-4 6-9 as needed...I was able to roughly translate between MS Basic and Apple II but only for rather simplistic programs...I wish I still knew how to program things...but I don't miss saving programs on tape drive...I think the computer was discontinued when I got it so the Disk drives were not an option...but man those were the days...try a program you didn't like...edit it!

Once had a typing test in Jr. High and I couldn't type (still can't go very fast) so I edited the program and in a minute or two I was passing the test...999wpm at 100% was the teacher confused..then slightly impressed...I had faced my first Kobayashi Maru scenario and beat it....

I hope there is some app that lets me play with Basic again on the Pandora or is this not very likely? (Something really capable or maybe just via old system emulator I guess)
I never even successfully made a game..I'd like to reach that goal....
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Back in about 81-82 I would say that I was a BASIC pro (small p). BASIC, S-BASIC, R-BASIC, Applesoft BASiC, etc. Now I'm a BASIC has been. I suppose kind of like track, x-country, the older I get the faster I was.
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BASIC has been obsoleted by Python and the like.
There seem to be a LOT of different dialects of BASIC.
Here's some good ones from the Wikipedia article of Linux-based ones:
Basic4GL started on Windows, but there's a Linux port that uses SDL, and it's GPL'ed so one of us could try to port it.
This one doesn't do as much and seems unpopular. The article is very short.
This one has an optional GTK module you can use for GUIs, AND self-modifying code.
You can load a subroutine from a text file and then compile it AND THEN CALL IT.
That's awesome.. And it looks simple, too.
This one is only compiled, and I think you'd be more interested in an interpreter-oriented one.

YaBasic looks promising, but Basic4GL will be able to do a little more for games.
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'emcp' said:

i just cant bloody get away from that Of mice and men, currently revising it for a test in a couple of days got sick of looking at it.

anyway will comment back after reading
EDIT not much to comment on
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout? That was one of the very few books out there to not suck.
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It is not like me to do what I am about to do, but anyway...

Could you not revive old threads in the news section, especially if your post is off topic.

I didn't like doing that, but it had to be done.
Yes, it's a practicing known as 'necroposting', and according to the rules, you should do it unless you have a good reason.
It would be wise to move this elsewhere.
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