New Icontrolpad Pictures

aesir911 said:
question, what emulators does zodtdd have for the ipod touch? also, what device has the most and best emulators that would possibly be compatible with the icontrolpad?

I won't mention any of the other ports at risk of starting a flamewar, but he has ports of gpSP and Temper. Former costs money, latter is free (or at least it should be, if it's not tell me and I'll make him change it ;P). If you buy gpSP part of the proceeds goes to my lousy ass.
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He's shown videos of SNES and PSX on the (prototype) iCP, so you can probably expect those to work with it on launch. Both are available from the Cydia Store.

Edit: I see that your other question was about emulators in general. He's ported a fair few ;) . From my experience (on my 3rd gen Touch); gpsphone, snes4iphone, and psx4iphone are the most often updated and the more solid.
^ N64iphone is missing from that list for some reason.

iMAME4all has recently been released by another dev (which trumps Zod's version). I linked to it a few posts back.
Well, all of this sounds nice, but my question is: Can the iControlPad make me breakfast in the morning? If so, can it make three egg bacon, cheddar, and onion omelettes as well?
If you have a jailbroken iphone we are hoping to release an app which allows you to configure the ICP to work with any game (it will essentially fake screen presses via the real controls).
This is brilliant news. I'm guessing the 'app' would run in the background (mobilesubstrate)?


So it would work on a game like this one? Pressing 'right' on the dpad would tell the app to trick the game into thinking the right-hand arrow had been pressed (that area of the touchscreen).
What's also good is that most games (like Craig's, for example) store the on-screen controls as image files. To remove the arrows/buttons, all one would have to do is make these images completely blank.

So to remove the arrow, I'd navigate to var/mobile/applications/wizzley/ 'down.png' and make it completely transparent.
Can the usb cable and iCP be both connected at the same time?

I will certainly need to recharge my ipod in mid game because it will make me play more. :P
^ Afaik, they want to offer an iCP model with integrated battery to charge the phone/iPod while gaming.
Will you make a Keyboard at the same size that fit in the clip ?
An iKeyboard with the same Pandora's keyboard ?
fusion_power said:
Ah, soooooooo! :D
Now I understand the concept. With different "clamps" you can connect different devices. Early Renderers suggest that only one shape can be snapt into the (single) Case. Seems like this Idea really have evolved, not bad. :) Clever concept I hope Craig patented it.
Yes the early renders were only for one style. Back when we started this there was only the iPhone. Then Apple started shitting out all kinds of iDevices so Craig made me redesign the whole case to fit all of them. That is the evolution of it. It got more buttons with the nubs too so that is good.
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DaveC said:
fusion_power said:
Ah, soooooooo! :D
Now I understand the concept. With different "clamps" you can connect different devices. Early Renderers suggest that only one shape can be snapt into the (single) Case. Seems like this Idea really have evolved, not bad. :) Clever concept I hope Craig patented it.
Yes the early renders were only for one style. Back when we started this there was only the iPhone. Then Apple started shitting out all kinds of iDevices so Craig made me redesign the whole case to fit all of them. That is the evolution of it. It got more buttons with the nubs too so that is good.

You've done a good job, it looks very nice.
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