New Icontrolpad Pictures

How much are these going to cost? Will it vary by device?
Or do you buy the control and clips separately?
benji_stein said:
Or do you buy the control and clips separately?
Craig's twitter has the answer to your questions.
We haven't been told about price yet.

Edit: Someone tip Engadget about this?
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quote said:
Pfft. Engadget love little bits of news like this. They probably don't care about a shipping date yet.

Edit: Ooh, they reviewed this little bit of plastic, so maybe Craig should send them a unit.

The version with the internal battery (which is the one most people seem to want) will probably be $49, you only need to pay that once and you can then just upgrade to new clamps for new devices.
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Number of units in first batch? Or are you hoping for an almost continuous flow?

Edit: Just saw twitter. Kay.
quote said:
Number of units in first batch? Or are you hoping for an almost continuous flow?

Edit: Just saw twitter. Kay.

It's actually a surprisingly complex bit of kit so we still have 20 week lead times on the chips, if only it WAS as simple as an old NES controller, then we could churn them out forever. So we have 3000 now and hope to maybe ramp that up to 10,000 in the next 3 months.
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Righty, thanks for answering our questions
. I'll be ordering from the first batch. This looks brilliant.

Edit: Last question; is there going to be a cable on the outside of the unit running from the iPhone serial to the iCP? (Like in Zodttd's old video).
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craigix said:
chris_c said:
Hey craig! you'd better not be stealing Pandora nubs ;) :D

No, it's a separate order, the nub 'issue' is what has been delaying the ICP.

UNLESS you don't ship a d*n one of those ICPs until after you've shipped the whole first batch of Pandoras, you're stealing them from OUR two year old orders to make new things - things that haven't been already paid for for the last two years.

I don't care if it's a separate order: That factory is only capable of producing a set number of nubs a day, right? So if any of them that go to the "other order" for the ICP, that's nubs that could have gone into the pandora order, but didn't.

If that's the real slowdown on pandoras (and that's what you've said it is for the last.... two months? four months?) then using any of that factories output for anything else, anything else at all, is stealing them from those of us who've been waiting for YEARS for our pandora, just so that you can sell this spiffy new thing.

For someone who bitches that much about gp2x jumping ship to the "next big thing" as soon as they can, this looks an awful lot like that.

Commentary, Craig?
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thingie1234 said:
craigix said:
chris_c said:
Hey craig! you'd better not be stealing Pandora nubs ;) :D

No, it's a separate order, the nub 'issue' is what has been delaying the ICP.
angry nerd rant
Yes he actually swipes some nubs off tables when no one is looking and hides them in his pockets. The perfect crime, eh? If it hadn't been for you meddling kids no one would have ever known.
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Crunchwrap said:
Yes he actually swipes some nubs off tables when no one is looking and hides them in his pockets. The perfect crime, eh? If it hadn't been for you meddling kids no one would have ever known.

Hey Craig, you have been to the US factory to unsold some nubs, I'm sure :P (as this where they are soldered on the board...)
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thingie1234 said:
craigix said:
chris_c said:
Hey craig! you'd better not be stealing Pandora nubs ;) :D

No, it's a separate order, the nub 'issue' is what has been delaying the ICP.

UNLESS you don't ship a d*n one of those ICPs until after you've shipped the whole first batch of Pandoras, you're stealing them from OUR two year old orders to make new things - things that haven't been already paid for for the last two years.

I don't care if it's a separate order: That factory is only capable of producing a set number of nubs a day, right? So if any of them that go to the "other order" for the ICP, that's nubs that could have gone into the pandora order, but didn't.

If that's the real slowdown on pandoras (and that's what you've said it is for the last.... two months? four months?) then using any of that factories output for anything else, anything else at all, is stealing them from those of us who've been waiting for YEARS for our pandora, just so that you can sell this spiffy new thing.

For someone who bitches that much about gp2x jumping ship to the "next big thing" as soon as they can, this looks an awful lot like that.

Commentary, Craig?
FYI, the nub issue was never production volume, it was QC. That's slowed everything down.

I've felt that same little pang of annoyance at seeing these Pandora bits go into a smartphone addon before the first batch is even out, but look at it reasonably, there is no way in hell Craig would deliberately be slowing down Pandora production. He wants them built and shipped more than any of us could imagine, it's his livelihood on the line here.
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Nice! I think I will get one.

One important question:
Is Jailbreak strictly necessary to use icontrolpad?
I think some App store developers (specially ones that make retro-style-games) would love to use icp in their apps :).
Rodrigo Cardoso said:
Nice! I think I will get one.

One important question:
Is Jailbreak strictly necessary to use icontrolpad?
I think some App store developers (specially ones that make retro-style-games) would love to use icp in their apps :) .

It is necessary. A couple of companies tried to get approval for various gamepad designs and were refused. Also if you want to use it with emulators you would need JB anyway.

For other phones which run Android you won't, software will be able to 'just work'.
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Hey craig, if you want help getting the ICP compatible with the Creative Labs Zii Egg, I have one, and have been hacking for it for a while (and recently got an offer to include some software in the base OS release..) and would be very willing to produce a compatability kit (sample code and so on) for the ICP if you want to support this device .. its not released yet, but when the Egg goes on sale for <US$100, it will sell like crazy, imho .. so you might want to be prepared.

Anyway, just sayin' ..
torpor said:
Hey craig, if you want help getting the ICP compatible with the Creative Labs Zii Egg, I have one, and have been hacking for it for a while (and recently got an offer to include some software in the base OS release..) and would be very willing to produce a compatability kit (sample code and so on) for the ICP if you want to support this device .. its not released yet, but when the Egg goes on sale for <US$100, it will sell like crazy, imho .. so you might want to be prepared.

Anyway, just sayin' ..

We want to support as many devices as we can but we obviously have a limited amount of time so we might make an ICP hackers forum where people can try to get it working on various devices with various methods and we can then back port that (wrapped up all nice and user friendly) in to a version to support that devices.

MW will probably write up a hackers guide so people know how it works.
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craigix said:
For other phones which run Android you won't, software will be able to 'just work'.


Android ftw!! But which should I carry with me... my Pandora or my HTC desire with ICP?

Decissions, decissions....
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