New Xbox 360 Pics.

hmmmmm, maybe the controlers are going to be wireless? i would think that was obvious :o but im not too sure, cause why would they make a new generation console have 1 controler port??? make thats for other add ons/misc and my opinion is that it doesnt look too bad.... ;)

another reson i think it may have wireless pads is that the new revolution and ps3 have them(supposidly) so why would the new XBOX want to lack like the other consoles? hmmm still abit confusing though.
that IR port cant be for the controllers

anyone thinking controlelrs should be IR over RF is slightly foolish

if you look at the wavebird, i can be upsatirs and it still works on my GC downstairs, IR on the other hand would need to be aligned
I think wireless only is a stupid idea for console pads. You will be feeding batteries into them, or the rumble feature will be omitted like the wavebird controllers. It is retarded to omit a feature and require batteries just so you don't have a wire. Ohh my controllers have a wire, BFD! I can see wireless as an option (or even wired controlers w/rumble as an option) but to not have a choice and have that be the ONLY type? Stupid.
The way I'd see it is that it would be optional. The controllers would have a rechargable battery in them which can be charged up when the cable is connected, then the cable can be optionally removed when the battery is fully charged. Best of both worlds :)
Squidge posted on May 10 2005 at 12:16 PM said:
The way I'd see it is that it would be optional. The controllers would have a rechargable battery in them which can be charged up when the cable is connected, then the cable can be optionally removed when the battery is fully charged. Best of both worlds :)

That is a good idea but did Microsoft think of that? Lets hope.
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DaveC posted on May 11 2005 at 03:43 AM said:
Squidge posted on May 10 2005 at 12:16 PM said:
The way I'd see it is that it would be optional. The controllers would have a rechargable battery in them which can be charged up when the cable is connected, then the cable can be optionally removed when the battery is fully charged. Best of both worlds :)

That is a good idea but did Microsoft think of that? Lets hope.

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