New Gp2x F-200

I was finally prepared to roll my own dpad mod. This news just saved my GP2X from going under the life-threatening Dremel.
pepone said:
Squidge said:
I wonder how they mapped the 9 buttons of the original stick to the 4 on this one. Knowing GPH, they've completely screwed it up, and a lot of games become unplayable.
That's my biggest fear actually. I'm sure I'll have to adapt my stick/pad handling code for that new machine...

Well ... Should not be *so* much trouble, no ?

Concerning the middle click, I guess it can be done without arm by pushing the 4 buttons together, since middle click is never used in-game this should not be big trouble, unless you have very small thumbs of course :P
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Orkie said:
Deed said:
Well ... Should not be *so* much trouble, no ?
For things that have had no source released, yes.

Do you have an example on gp2x of game or emu which is not open source *and* that is not still supported by its developer ? :blink: Anyxay, *even* in such an extent, I guess this could be easily hacked ... ie people that complain about that are *really* searching for someting to complain about, firmware updates may be way more dangerous for backward compatibility than mapping 4 buttons to 8 directions for example
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No, firmware updates are safe if put together by somebody who knows what they're doing (such as myself - I've yet to have a bricking from my firmware releases).
starpause said:
only sad thing is that i've got a pig laser etched on my mk1 from the MAKE people ... the F-200 will be so clean ... if it ain't dirty ... it ain't fun!
pig laser? is that a pig with a laserbeam attached to its head? ;)

edit: As far as the machine goes, i'm debating if i'll even bother buying this model. more than likely I'll just buy that craigx machine, and use that instead. it seems to be a much better idea than spending another $200 on this.
its sad though, the dpad is probably the most desired mod of the gp2x (for me at least). but i just cant justify buying this gp2x if that "gp3x" is around the corner. particualarly because i know that i'll be getting something so much better.
EVEN if its first rev is as bad as the gp2x mk1's fw 1.0.1. (so long as it doesn't have usb issues. that was a pain in the ass.)
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Well, I must say, I'm not going to be getting this one. Without the processor upgrade and wifi, it just isn't worth the extra money - I'd rather wait until the 3x (or whatever) comes out.

Touch wood that keeps getting developed!
I'm amazed that so many guys are waiting for this "3x" which exists only in their mind at this moment :P I guess last year they were waiting for the xgp :D
Actually, no I wasn't (can't speak for others).

But the fact is, I spent £150 or so on a 2x some while back. I'm now in a position to spend ~£200 on SOMETHING electronic. I don't want to lose the ability to get something that should be amazing when it comes out (i.e. the "3x") by spending money on something that, essentially, I've already got.

If GPH were to offer a trade-in or an upgrade service for, say, £60, then I'd be up for upgrading. But they won't, because the changes are severe enough that they'd not make money on that, whilst not being sufficient to warrant my cash in the first place.

The 2x is great and all, but I only want one!

Edit: typos
Figures; I was all set to buy one of these for my birthday, and now I find this out - and it'll be another month and a half before it's available in ASIA... who knows when I'll be able to get it here in the states. And I've already bought a tiny keyboard I was planning to mod to work with this thing - if I can program a touch-screen keyboard, it'd might make this redundant. Sigh, not what?

I wonder if there's a chance in heck someone might make an "upgrade" kit or otherwise sell the touchscreen separately. I don't want to wait another two months, and I think the d-pad might be worse than the MK3 stick for me - I was going to program a top-down autoduelling game that'd use the 16-direction pad really well. Now my plans are in a holding pattern - not everyone will *have* the joystick, and I don't know if an external keyboard would be better than an onscreen one (tho I imagine it'd be better for playing Star Raiders on an emu'd Atari 800)

Meh. Why wasn't this out months ago?
What the f**k man?!.. :lol: .. I'm very confused right now.. I'd really like to see Craigix's/EvilDragon's full response to this new GP2X..

You guys knew this thing was coming.. there's no way you didn't.. what's your angle? <_<

What's with the extremely mixed signals guys? My last girlfriend was clearer about her intentions :P
Deed said:
I'm amazed that so many guys are waiting for this "3x" which exists only in their mind at this moment :P I guess last year they were waiting for the xgp :D
And what exactly do you know about the "3x"? Nothing? Exactly.
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I hope it is late because they didn't want to release a faulty machine (again). Ed will have the first prototype next week and we will hear then.
craigix said:
I hope it is late because they didn't want to release a faulty machine (again). Ed will have the first prototype next week and we will hear then.
Oh, yeah - the first edition was, er, less than optimal, wasn't it? And we may have similar problem here, esp. with the touchscreen. That makes my decision easier, tho I hope the prices for the Mk3's will come down soon ;)
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Orkie said:
Deed said:
I'm amazed that so many guys are waiting for this "3x" which exists only in their mind at this moment :P I guess last year they were waiting for the xgp :D
And what exactly do you know about the "3x"? Nothing? Exactly.

I'm not defending what Deed said, but shouldn't there have been a little more clarity or transparency on this matter? So what, don't we have a right to feel angry or sad or confused? This opens up some big questions with few real answers. I just hate that we had to find this out from Play-Asia when we've talking about how GPH abandonded us for months. Can you really argue this changes nothing?

Edit: I just saw your post Craigix that says that you knew nothing basically. Not going to change what I wrote though, it's already out.
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