New Gp2x F-200

craigix said:
I hope it is late because they didn't want to release a faulty machine (again). Ed will have the first prototype next week and we will hear then.
I am interested to see how they did the pad too. Hopefully they just mapped the same 4 directions to what they were on the stick. I guess they could interpret the diagonal switch to just be 2 simultaneous direction presses in the FW. Even if they just ignore the 4 missing switches like the D-pad mods did it wouldn't be a big deal at all. 99% of all GP2X software interprets 2 ordinals as a diagonal now anyway. I have never had a problem with my D-pad not doing this. Maybe they interpret the stick click as a tap anywhere on the screen.

Knowing GPH they probably wired the switches backwards so up is down and left is right though :P

Honestly the pad doesn't look bad. The separations are so small (unlike the PSP) that it should handle the same as a solid disk. Plus a mod is pretty easy if you don't like it, just glue a plastic disk on the current pad.

Everyone complaining that it doesn't have this or that, it is not a completely new console. It is just an MK3. It still gives a much better upgrade than an MK1 to MK2 did. It is better than nothing.
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DaveC said:
It is about friggin time ;) They finally put a pad in it. Well better late than never. I would be interested to test out this pad, although it can't be worse than that stick. The PSP separated pad is questionable.

I also wonder about the screen. How is the contrast? Black level? Brightness? Is is stable or an interlaced scan-line mess? How is the gamma set? Are the colors vibrant or washed out?

I wonder how they handle the stick click? I wonder how they wired the pad and if it works the same as a d-pad modded GP2X?

I wonder how long the boot times are now and if you can downgrade to FW 2.1.1.

I already have a d-pad on my GP2X and no apps support a TS. I may consider upgrading if the screen is good, if Gmenu2X gets TS support, and everything works.

I predict a huge wave of old models on ebay for cheap :P
Does it do the washing up. :P

Oh and mine GP2x is going in the bin/trash, I couldn`t put anyone through the nightmare that is the stock stick, Let alone charge them for it. :o

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trooper said:
Oh and mine GP2x is going in the bin/trash, I couldn`t put anyone through the nightmare that is the stock stick, Let alone charge them for it. :o
You could always charge somebody who doesn't actually use the joystick but does everything over serial a paltry sum to take it away :D.
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DS .... DS Lite
PSP ... redesigned PSP

GP2X ... MK3 with proper new features unlike a machine on a diet like the other two.

If they map diagonals using simultaneous presses I think the shape of the 'd-pad' buttons should work really well. Touch screen is a huge bonus, and with talented devs in this community I reckon we should see some cool developments on Scumm and keyboard support on emulators. I could also see some great homebrew coming too paying homage to some of DS's best games.

Half the world bought a DS Lite when it came out, even if they had the original model. While the F-200 may not have a drastic 'ipod type' design change, if you can affoard one you should support the GP2X by buying one. I will be anyway :)

Lets just hope they include a decent slot for the stylus (& not like on the!)!

Somed people are complaining about how pissed off they are because they bought a GP2X recently. It is the same with any piece of electronics you buy. A newer and better version will always be released, it is just difficult to predict when ;)

For me this is progress .. bring it on and can't wait to get one.
DaveC said:
craigix said:
I hope it is late because they didn't want to release a faulty machine (again). Ed will have the first prototype next week and we will hear then.
I am interested to see how they did the pad too. Hopefully they just mapped the same 4 directions to what they were on the stick. I guess they could interpret the diagonal switch to just be 2 simultaneous direction presses in the FW. Even if they just ignore the 4 missing switches like the D-pad mods did it wouldn't be a big deal at all. 99% of all GP2X software interprets 2 ordinals as a diagonal now anyway. I have never had a problem with my D-pad not doing this. Maybe they interpret the stick click as a tap anywhere on the screen.

Knowing GPH they probably wired the switches backwards so up is down and left is right though :P

Honestly the pad doesn't look bad. The separations are so small (unlike the PSP) that it should handle the same as a solid disk. Plus a mod is pretty easy if you don't like it, just glue a plastic disk on the current pad.

Everyone complaining that it doesn't have this or that, it is not a completely new console. It is just an MK3. It still gives a much better upgrade than an MK1 to MK2 did. It is better than nothing.

I don`t think they could have changed anything directional wise, As they are bundling
"various in-built games: Blocked, GhostPix, Cavestory, Phishy, Ruck-Man, SQdef" without the coders permission, So the software (games) must be unchanged (codewise), Which must indicate that nothing has changed regarding the polling of the stick. :unsure:

Just my 2p.

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Looks ok, would definately allow me to enjoy and play more if the dpad is good. I love portable street fighter games and old skool 2d games in general and for the most part the gp2x isnt lacking in power for what i play.

The only benefit I see for myself from a more powerful hand-held is more accurate (speed etc) emulation, not much else. Portable p.s. is a novelty and yes it does open up a massive library of games but how many p.s. games do you own? and how many of those would you actually play? exactly. As for future gp3x (why is it even called gp3x when its got nothing to do with gph? think of your own name pls) I'll consider it when it's done but i'm not really into any 3d hand held games apart from ds mario kart. And if you think this new gp2x will split the community then just wait and see what the "gp3x" does...

Btw, 1 for devs. In the old days it was an honour to have your games featured, now theres moaning about not being asked? Talk about lack of appreciation. If you dont want your game included then ask them not to include it, but, I'm sure you won't. People get to play your game, what else do you want?

Play-asia site says "3.5 inch LCD screen with 320*240 (30 frames) resolution" does this mean that the new screen is 30hz? if so, then its possible this screen is inferior in terms of refresh-rate to our current 100hz screens, right?
Looks cool for sure. I'll get one when they come out for sure.
The opnly thing thou are they going to have GP32 FLU / BLU compatability problems with the new screen :P
i think people should buy this if they dont have a gp2x or if there sick of the gp2x joystick sell it and buy the f200. I am excited about craigs device but i need to see some proof in the mean time that it really exist so i think people should invest in this. The new firmware looks pretty cool and i like the touchscreen for games on amiga and atari st it will be very good and it will finally replace the zodiac. Also for blood cross will this work on the f100 gp2xs. It says pvp does that mean multiplayer?
Squidge said:
1 pad which you can roll your finger over is patented, so people have to think of alternative designs or pay license and royalty fees. Is a dpad of that description that important to you?
It is for me, but I realize that it is just a matter of personal preference. As far as I know I am still on the Evil Dragon's waiting list for my d-pad mod, and I want one so bad I'm willing to buy another GP2X just to get one. I will likely buy the 200 as well, and take DaveC's suggestion to glue a disk on on it. I did the same with my GBA and the Micro with 3rd party caps designed for the GBA, and the difference is unbelievable!
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stormyandcold said:
Btw, 1 for devs. In the old days it was an honour to have your games featured, now theres moaning about not being asked? Talk about lack of appreciation. If you dont want your game included then ask them not to include it, but, I'm sure you won't. People get to play your game, what else do you want?
First of all as far as I know none of the devs have moaned. One person asked whether GPH had asked permission to which I made a reply. A few other members have also mentioned that they thought we should have at least have been asked. Don't get me wrong I'm flattered that my game is one of the ones chosen to be bundled and it was cool seeing a picture of my game in their ads but it would have been a common courtesy to have at least sent a message to all the devs whose games they are using. After all, without all the software the devs make (and no doubt you enjoy) the gp2x is just a brick.
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Blah said:
Um... Nintendo's patent on their d-pad expired in 2005.
You mean the 1-piece cross? Without a cap that thing is way worse than the stock GP2X or even a PSP, but again that's just my opinion:

The one I use (from an older version of this product made for the GBA) is similar to "Kind (E)" with a concave surface that cradles your thumb.....nice.

Update: I just found the cap I use my GBA and's the flat 12mm one:
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Im totally buying it, my current GP2X battery pin has broken off & resoldering it constantly has become a nightmare... TY GPH youve answerd they prayer for a new handheld..
Nickmon said:
Would love the following apps with this:

Note pad
Email app that syncs to outlook (so i can take emails with me)
PDF reader
Address book

That would be ace

These are all capable with current GP2X apps. I want to know a price, and compatibility with the GP2X cradle...
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I actually like the current stick (well, with a modded cap), so I don't think I'll grab this... sounds pretty cool though, and you have to wonder how things could have been if they went with this model from the beginning (I realizes finances may have prevented that).