New Gp2x F-200

If you look at the pics on the play asia site one of them states Easy Emulator Experience and has 2 icons listed I think it may have gp32 backward compatiblity with the new system because the game Blood Cross is for the gp32 unless they converted it for the gp2x does anyone have any idea?
I've not touched my GP2X in ages because of the perfectly horrible pad, but if this new one's pad is alright, I'll be very tempted. The touch-screen thing, I don't care about tbh.

The real question for me is if they'll be standardising the processor speed at something sensible like 300Mhz instead of this ridiculous lottery which means some people can enjoy MAME, etc, and some can't.
The thing is, Possibly from a coders point of view (I`m no coder), Apart from the touch screen, The F-200 doesn`t really give them (the coders) much to get their teeth into than the F-100.

This may seem a bit harsh, But.



Would it not have been a better idea from a sales point of view to pre-install some emulators instead of the original homebrew they look to have chosen ?

Wonder if they had the courtesy to ask the devs concerned about using their output ?

SQdef - a board game ?

/me goes to contact Games Workshop about a possible new range they might be interested in getting on the shelves by xmas
TheMinder said:
Would it not have been a better idea from a sales point of view to pre-install some emulators instead of the original homebrew they look to have chosen ?
Not if they got hassled for it, no. Plus emulators are updated regularly and games generally aren't when they're complete. I doubt they did ask to use those games, they've never asked to use anything.
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They're taking the Free (as in beer) Software approach ;)

and btw, I think they did hook up those extra pins on the display. The specs list 16,700,000 colors!
TheMinder said:
Wonder if they had the courtesy to ask the devs concerned about using their output ?
No. Would be nice if if they let the featured devs have a free unit at least since they're using our games to promote it (one of those featured devs being me :P ) though I won't hold my breath.
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Blah said:
and btw, I think they did hook up those extra pins on the display. The specs list 16,700,000 colors!
So did the specs sheet for the gp2x until people complained and they changed it. 16.7M colors is probably what the display is capable of, not what the console is capable of.
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craigix said:
No, this is the GP2X which was supposed to be in the Value Pack.
Personally I think this looks great. Time to get me a Value Pack once the new units are in.

I absolutely can't stand the stick on the MK 1...

hmm will my developer BOB work on the new unit?
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this is freaking awesome, i'm totally buying one to replace my mk1 ... especially as this is currently the only way to get a dpad on your gp2x (props to evildragon and davec for the dpad mods that happened, but it's too bad they couldn't do more up).

only sad thing is that i've got a pig laser etched on my mk1 from the MAKE people ... the F-200 will be so clean ... if it ain't dirty ... it ain't fun!
I've been wondering, will the touch screen actually be able to emulate mouse movement in emulators (such as for the amiga, etc)?

The touch screen will work by specifying coordinates, which the native OS can then understand. The systems the emulators will be dealing with will be expecting to receive movement details. Will there be a way around this using some crazy linux touch screen driver, or will it need to be handled system by system? Alternatively, would the screen need to act as a sort of touchpad?

I imagine this sort of thing would effect using emulators on tablets and PDA's as well.
Thinking of it, there will be certainly no place to store a stylus for the touch screen if they did not change the case ? Meaning most of the time you would have to use your finger to use the touch screen, or to ruin it using an inappropriate stylus ...
The manufacturing of this new model involves the stop of GP2X MK2 production such as it's happened with MK1 or not ?

Are the GP2Xes F-100 in stock the last available ?
It is about friggin time ;) They finally put a pad in it. Well better late than never. I would be interested to test out this pad, although it can't be worse than that stick. The PSP separated pad is questionable.

I also wonder about the screen. How is the contrast? Black level? Brightness? Is is stable or an interlaced scan-line mess? How is the gamma set? Are the colors vibrant or washed out?

I wonder how they handle the stick click? I wonder how they wired the pad and if it works the same as a d-pad modded GP2X?

I wonder how long the boot times are now and if you can downgrade to FW 2.1.1.

I already have a d-pad on my GP2X and no apps support a TS. I may consider upgrading if the screen is good, if Gmenu2X gets TS support, and everything works.

I predict a huge wave of old models on ebay for cheap :P