New Gp2x F-200

how hard is a bit hard to use regarding the dpad? though touch screen is nice I think everyone was hoping the dpad wouold be a huge improvement and not have any control issues.

think they will have enough time to tweak the dpad and make it good?
Cool !

I like the fact the crappy joystick has been ditched, The touch screen seems a little pointless thus adding to the cost, and the multi function thing is really great !!

Has anyone got the source of this information ?

CloudStrife said:
OMG I freakin hate this, I just bought a GP2X off of eBay with loads of accesories, and now I see this. The world is a terrible place...
I know i bought a console about 2 month ago which broke so i bought a new one about a week ago so i feel the same ! Lucky for me i have more money than sense and currently no girlfriend lol !
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EvilDragon said:

1st image: The new design looks very cool.

2nd image: Busy as usual I see. ;)
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Well, not much going on here, sadly.
The Korea Pavillon is a pretty dead place here... a different hall would have been much better.
Wow looks great !

I love the fact that they have lost the crappy joystick !
And the multi-tasking thing is a really good idea, its a feature i always wanted.
The touch screen is a bit pointless and just adds to the cost in my opinion.

As for WiFi you don't really need it.
I don't know a single person who has a gp2x so thats multiplayer gone....
and my psp does wireless file sharing and the internet anyways.

Really cant wait to get one though !!! (even though i have only just got a new 2x)

Whats the source of this information? Does anyone know ?
flammablepiss said:
As for WiFi you don't really need it.
I don't know a single person who has a gp2x so thats multiplayer gone....
and my psp does wireless file sharing and the internet anyways.
Wait, I don't need it? I think you should rephrase that, because you have no idea what I need, and dictating what I do is rather irritating. I'm so glad your PSP has WiFi, I don't own one.
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Hey ED, how does the new screen fare with the MK2 one? Better quality and viewing angle?

I wonder if they plan to add small improvements to the final polished product (like built-in TV-out)
EvilDragon said:
Well, not much going on here, sadly.
The Korea Pavillon is a pretty dead place here... a different hall would have been much better.
Hmm ok that is a sad thing, well the weekend is comming so there will be more people?
Well see ya Monday the 3th :)

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...what did I say about the dpad... I had a feeling it would be bad if those buttons were seperate. Hopefully they can make it better though :)

About the touch screen...yeah it seems a bit pointless to add this so late in the game. But I doubt it will add much to the cost of the unit. Probably only an extra $5 or something. Just see it as a bonus :)
EvilDragon said:
... the DPad is a bit hard to use, but I've talked about that already, it's a prototype, they'll try fixing it (though it won't be a solid disc...)
Could you please describe/review the dpad in more detail?

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Of course. OF COURSE.

As soon as I spend practically my life savings on a GP2X, this one has to come out. :(
Anything about RTC????
With the add of the touch screen a RTC is needed. (PDA software) :P
Really sad to hear that the D-pad may not be what most of us were expecting/hoping for.

Forget everything else, if the D-pad isn't any good then its a deal breaker.

ED, are you any good at street fighter 2, 3, alpha 1-2-3. xmen vs sf, art of fighting 3 etc?

How hard is it to pull off the classic hadoken and shoryuken motions? (in both directions) How about < > moves like Blanka's special or Guile's sonic boom?

Are diagonals hard to do in general? (important for precise lower blocking and many of the moves)

Maybe the D-pad needs to be a bit smaller in size?

Whats the travel distance on the actual d-pad buttons? 1, 2 or 3mm?

Please get them to fix this major "problem" before mass production! It's the 1 thing that would make quite a few of us re-buy the gp2x and makes recommending a lot easier!

Thanks in advance.

ps. I just noticed that the d-pad has way too much space in the middle! Ask them to shrink the d-pad in size and remove that circle of space, theres way too much travel distance from button to button <o> . even if it was just a circle cut up diagonally into quarters, that'd be better than the current design.

pps. My 2 sisters want 1 too, they love the look of it, both are gamers and share the same d-pad concerns as myself. They like what my gp2x can do but hate the stick. No decent d-pad = 2 or 3 lost sales just from myself so GPH, if you're reading this...sort it out!
He means either "how long does it take for the firmware to boot up?" or a rhetorical question somewhere along the lines of "How many different revisions of the GP2X is GPH going to make before they finally ditch it?"
Sorry my English is very bad. :P
The boot time of the GP2X with the new firmware.
Thanks Blah. The second question is the best. XD
EvilDragon said:

Some news straight from the IFA: I played around with the new system yesterday, the Touchscreen sure does rock... the DPad is a bit hard to use, but I've talked about that already, it's a prototype, they'll try fixing it (though it won't be a solid disc...)

Stick button push is pressing down all four buttons at once, so that's still there.
The system itself has still a few issues, MAME doesn't run yet, but that will all be fixed.

The new firmware is nicer than the old one: You can listen to MP3 and OGG, switch to the EBook reader or picture viewer while listening :)
You can also use the new firmware with the buttons, if you don't want to pull out the stylus :)

Blood Cross has nice animations :D

Tonight I'll test if ScummVM works out of the box with touchscreen - if the touchscreen is using a standard Linux mouse driver, it should work, I guess.
What would be really nice in a keyboard emulator built in to ROM for any apps to use with the touch screen and pen.

Then some new apps such as diary, notepad, address book, maybe a customisable DB do you can create mini database/entry system for your own use for example create an app for storing DVDs, comic list, etc..

Then an nice way to create email on the fly and sync to outlook or set via net when back at home....

Maybe i want too much and should just buy a PDA 8-)

But I dont see why these could not be done...

I would pay for an offical OS upgrade CD with this sort of stuff on in the future...

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