New Firmware 1.3

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Deed posted on Feb 2 2006 at 05:27 PM said:
@shrubberyrobbery : this thread is not about arguments for/against GPL and why it exists, and nobody talked about that, so please just shut up. You were just trying to look nice but you just looked dumb.

@evening2005 : if you don't have any roms, I wonder what you're doing with your gp2x ;) Unless you bought it only to only play or develop some homebrew games ? (some of them are very good of course, but I don't think this is really the gp2x main advantage :P )
I bought it so I could write small games for it. I've got four games on the archive and a side-scrolling shooter in development. At work I teach games development and I'd like to buy a few GP2Xs to illustrate some of the differences between developing for a PC and developing for a much less powerful machine. However, our policy at work (my policy, actually) is not to use software unless all of the licensing issues are clear. At the moment, the GP2X is not something I would or could buy for work even though I personally love the thing. This is one of the reasons why I keep banging on about this issue.
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Deed posted on Feb 2 2006 at 11:10 AM said:
craigix posted on Feb 2 2006 at 02:55 PM said:
It isn't going to be released due to GPL threats, 1.4.x is now being completed. Its likely there will be a 1.5 release with source code soon.
Yes ! We win ! We are so smart ! Thanks to the GPL police ! Thanks to the GPL police we ... hu ... we are losing firmware 1.3 and 1.4. F***ing dumb ass :( But at least all these dick heads have what they deserve now.
btw cannot GPH pm firmware 1.3 (without the source of course) to any people that said fine things about them instead of threatening them in these forums ? :P

edit : what is really sad is that i'm pretty sure that most people that complain over and over about this GPL stuff and that wanted the source NOW are NOT gp2x owners :(

Oh, by the way, please don't use any of my GP2X software :) (Evidently you would prefer to endorse theft of the work of thousands of people, rather than get GPH to straighten their act. Its always fun until its _your_ work thats been swiped.)


Edit: Remember, most of the apps you're using on the 2X only exist on the 2X because of the GPL. Don't be so quick to give away your rights.
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Wobedraggled posted on Feb 2 2006 at 11:09 AM said:
Mine is sitting here collecting dust until they release something.

Battery life is just too piss poor in it's current state to really take it out all day, so it sits on my desk.

At least I didnt start the topic this time.

Use rechargables :) I get a few hours on them, and dont' mind running them dry since they're a recharge away. I doubt it'll ever have great battery life, but this makes it more a non-issue :/

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GpDogg posted on Feb 2 2006 at 06:20 PM said:
YEAH! I love the 2x, but im having much less fun with it than with the gp32. I remember the gp32... i shouldnt of sold it now :( I remember when you could just turn on the console and there! THERE! its booted! ven though the boot up DID sound like an apple mac... at least it booted first time!

Another thing is can the gp2x screen be worse than the gp32s? the gp32 screen was AWESOME!! the 2x screen is jiggly, liney and just plain not good as the gp2x.
If its all to do with the firmware.. i dont know why firmwares are so slow with updating, i mean, the gp32 wasnt THIS bad on first release was it?! Im just finding it rather annoying at the moment. I try squidgesnes, no sound and i cant go back after i load a rom. Now, its not all bad, but i mean, when it takes like a minute to boot... no fair!

The long boot is because of linux. Once HH mode comes out it will boot much faster and emulators will run better.
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I'm actually surprised it takes as long as it does to boot. I'm on FW 1.0, but I'm surprised that sometimes it doesn't even boot (hangs on the green), and 1 in 10 times it hangs when an SD is inserted. Thats not Linux.. they pee'd on something :)

A well tuned kernel can boot very quick; I had BSD and Linux kernels on 200MHz machines that'd boot in a couple of seconds -- all the extra tossed out. They're including too much stuiff, and probing. Given they know the hardware, they should turn off probing and just build in exactly what is needed, and let folks build their own fatter kernels as needed...

(I had a mailserver that was 300MHz for 5-6 years .. it booted fast, but all i had was TCP, SCSI + hdd, and a few basics in the kernel :)

Deed posted on Feb 2 2006 at 09:10 AM said:
craigix posted on Feb 2 2006 at 02:55 PM said:
It isn't going to be released due to GPL threats, 1.4.x is now being completed. Its likely there will be a 1.5 release with source code soon.
Yes ! We win ! We are so smart ! Thanks to the GPL police ! Thanks to the GPL police we ... hu ... we are losing firmware 1.3 and 1.4. F***ing dumb ass :( But at least all these dick heads have what they deserve now.

edit : what is really sad is that i'm pretty sure that most people that complain over and over about this GPL stuff and that wanted the source NOW are NOT gp2x owners :(

i'm a gp2x owner and i'm willing to wait a few extra months for gamepark to correct a mistake that they should have had right from day one.

i understand everything has been beyond rushed getting the first units out the door.

even so: the linux community is worth pleasing, those hackers are sure to blow us all out of the water with wierd shit to be doing with our gp2x in no time ;)

all in all, deed, your view is quit short sited and your need for instant gratification will only hurt yourself.
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GpDogg posted on Feb 2 2006 at 06:20 PM said:
I try squidgesnes, no sound and i cant go back after i load a rom. Now, its not all bad, but i mean, when it takes like a minute to boot... no fair!
Try holding down the select button for a few seconds while in a game ;)
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craigix posted on Feb 2 2006 at 01:55 PM said:
It isn't going to be released due to GPL threats, 1.4.x is now being completed. Its likely there will be a 1.5 release with source code soon.

Woohoo. This is really good news. Good on them. Looking forward to these versions - any tips on whats in them? I'm hoping for faster booting and as good an LCD setup as 1.0. Also some locking on the MP3 player and fixed video would be nice. But the latter could be very complex, lots of dodgy and varied crappy video files.

Shame the way of dealing with it was threats though.

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naples39 posted on Feb 2 2006 at 03:22 PM said:
DaveC posted on Feb 2 2006 at 11:14 AM said:
Hopefully they will fix the gamma in the new release.  The 1.2 is way too bright washing out the blacks and "over exposing" the color.

It needs to be turned down a notch.

I got my 2x with 1.1 on it, and never updated, but I've always found the screen to be too bright as you described. Was this the case on firmwares earlier than 1.1? Wasn't one of 1.3's promised features a brightness/contrast control?

I have 1.01 on one, and the latest 1.2 FW on another unit. They had it perfect on 1.01 FW, the blacks are black and the color saturation is much nicer.

You can tell on many things. In the launcher where it is supposed to be an orange gradient (it is with FW 1.01) it is like an almost solid washed out yellow color on the 1.2 FW. In Sonic, instead of the deep blue that he is supposed to be he is a powder blue with 1.2 FW. GPH just thinks "brighter is better", and "more is good" without knowing a thing about corrrect gamma or colors :rolleyes:

An application independant gamma/brightness control in the FW menu would be nice so we can tweak it ourselves. It would then save that setting. I don't trust settings that GPH comes up with. ;)

(this reminds me, I need to make a test pattern pic for testing screen brightness etc)
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craigix posted on Feb 2 2006 at 02:55 PM said:
It isn't going to be released due to GPL threats, 1.4.x is now being completed. Its likely there will be a 1.5 release with source code soon.

Edit: Well hopefully they do release the update + source eventually.
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what's the point of working on firmware that won't be released? :)

i guess what i mean is, if they're up to 1.5, why not just call that 1.3 and tell the truth, which is, we haven't got jack for release yet...
skeezix posted on Feb 2 2006 at 08:04 PM said:
Oh, by the way, please don't use any of my GP2X software :) (Evidently you would prefer to endorse theft of the work of thousands of people, rather than get GPH to straighten their act. Its always fun until its _your_ work thats been swiped.)


Edit: Remember, most of the apps you're using on the 2X only exist on the 2X because of the GPL. Don't be so quick to give away your rights.
Apparently I was misunderstood. I totally support open source and GPL (even if I prefer LGPL as I don't like the "viral" effect of the GPL). I absolutely would not "endorse theft of the work of thousands of people". But don't you think it's a little bit too early to talk about "theft" ? Would have it really hurt someone if GPH released one or two closed firmwares upgrades before releasing the source ?
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My god, does almost everythread have to end up in a GPL flame war :angry:

Jesus Christ......
DaveC posted on Feb 2 2006 at 07:11 PM said:
My god, does almost everythread have to end up in a GPL flame war :angry:

Jesus Christ......

No ... just ANY thread about the latest FW it seems :(
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It would hurt them, because the backlash from another slashdot article saying: "New Firmware; Still no source in sight." would bring back all of those damn GPL freaks (I love GPL, but I can't stand people who act like it's the ten commandments and flame you if you don't adhere to it within 3... 2... 1... NOW of releasing your binary)
God Ginrai posted on Feb 2 2006 at 05:17 PM said:
It would hurt them at because the backlash from another slashdot article saying: "New Firmware; Still no source in sight." would bring back all of those damn GPL freaks (I love GPL, but I can't stand people who act like it's the ten commandments and flame you if you don't adhere to it within 3... 2... 1... NOW of releasing your binary)
And I can't stand people who treat it like it's source-optional. It is a legal document with legal obligations. Anyone who can't follow the rules has no business using it. It's a shame that it took GPH and Dignsys so long to realize this and it's a bigger shame that it's taking even longer for half the people around here to realize it. This whole mess could have been avoided if those obligations had been met from the start.

That's my two cents and I'm stepping out of this before the real flaming begins.
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Ravnos posted on Feb 2 2006 at 07:24 PM said:
God Ginrai posted on Feb 2 2006 at 05:17 PM said:
It would hurt them at because the backlash from another slashdot article saying: "New Firmware; Still no source in sight." would bring back all of those damn GPL freaks (I love GPL, but I can't stand people who act like it's the ten commandments and flame you if you don't adhere to it within 3... 2... 1... NOW of releasing your binary)
And I can't stand people who treat it like it's source-optional. It is a legal document with legal obligations. Anyone who can't follow the rules has no business using it. It's a shame that it took GPH and Dignsys so long to realize this and it's a bigger shame that it's taking even longer for half the people around here to realize it. This whole mess could have been avoided if those obligations had been met from the start.

That's my two cents and I'm stepping out of this before the real flaming begins.

I understand that its a legal document. And I know its not source optional. But you know what is better than FLAMING someone? A helluva lot of things.

here's an easy list of a few examples:
  • One representative for the whole group sending a polite email or phoning Dignsys.
  • A Petition.
  • Polite requests.
  • And Many other options where you aren't being an ass.
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