Yeah, I just got that email myself, and I'm not very impressed. Late spring of 2018, with no true device to show? They'll be lucky to make late spring of 2019 at this point.
Of course I'll reserve judgment until some games are shown(and a decent controller, as Atari has yet to make a controller I have considered usable), and maybe Atari has that nostalgia factor like "N" has, that makes people buy over priced useless items just because. As I stated before, I don't see putting my money up, as Atari should be more than capable of that themselves, especially if the product is worth it. I just see to many companies cash grabbing with these crowd funded campaigns, and in the end, they piss away more than they use properly as there isn't much risk, since it's not their money.
Outside of the ICP2 debacle, I've helped several in the crowd funded arena, and all have delivered. But it's an issue of whats being done, where the project is when funds or asked for, and what the possible outcome could be? As of now, for a rather good period of time, they seem content to keep showing a box, with little else, which for me speaks we want boat loads of cash, and then we'll make the best device we can based on what we can get.
WOW, real wood is being used, is that going to help performance in any way, shape or form? I just see added cost, that serves no legit purpose except playing to past memories. How about talking about some features that truly matter? I guess that's being reserved for the cash drive, so I'll for sure be waiting to see what is shown, and what is offered, as I'm interested to see this in motion if nothing else.