Please, some one tell me where to find it, Drumaster page is down, and i SERIOUSLY need that pwad, because i love heretic, and i've heard that the Heretic port sucks. Please any one tell where do i can find it, thanks
Yes I made a "private" update when my site was down, and here it is now (it's the final version).
I'm happy you noticed the improvements.
For the sounds, they were the same one except that they were at a bad frequency in the previous version of the Doom64 PWAD, unstable for the GP32, so I reconverted them and now they are as they must be.
For the brighter graphics, it's because I have now my GP32 back, a BLU, so I can now test gfx brightness on the GP32, thing that I couldn't do before.
The Heretic PWAD have had the same improvemets in the past (+a new weapon!).