Need The Heretic Pwad


Still Fresh
Sep 8, 2004
Barcelona, Spain
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Please, some one tell me where to find it, Drumaster page is down, and i SERIOUSLY need that pwad, because i love heretic, and i've heard that the Heretic port sucks. Please any one tell where do i can find it, thanks :D
@ Drumaster. I didnt realise Doom64 had been updated, so far I've seen:

3 MB smaller
New lift / door sounds
New death sounds
New sound for plasma gun
Brighter graphics and not as washed out as before

Overall, a good update :)
lizard808uk posted on Sep 10 2004 at 05:40 PM said:
@ Drumaster. I didnt realise Doom64 had been updated, so far I've seen:

3 MB smaller
New lift / door sounds
New death sounds
New sound for plasma gun
Brighter graphics and not as washed out as before

Overall, a good update :)
Yes I made a "private" update when my site was down, and here it is now (it's the final version). ;)

I'm happy you noticed the improvements. :)

For the sounds, they were the same one except that they were at a bad frequency in the previous version of the Doom64 PWAD, unstable for the GP32, so I reconverted them and now they are as they must be. ;)

For the brighter graphics, it's because I have now my GP32 back, a BLU, so I can now test gfx brightness on the GP32, thing that I couldn't do before. ;)

The Heretic PWAD have had the same improvemets in the past (+a new weapon!). ;)
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