Gp Heretic Port


Still Fresh
Sep 18, 2003
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Is someone working on a port of Heretic?
Im aware of the PWAD for GPDoom II (wich i believe is great), but i mean a real port.
I love that game and it would be great to play it on the go :)
Craigx (craig, Master at and programmer of GPDoom) did say a while ago that he planed to take up/continue (not sure of the original author) with porting heretic. No news on it recently, But iirc, He may have abandoned it or put it on hold :unsure:


EDIT: Sorry Firefly. :rolleyes:

"I finished the 1st version of my Heretic PWAD for GP Doom.
The real Heretic GP isn't finished and not very advanced so I decided to make a good "skin" for GP Doom."

Qouted by Drumaster in the Heretic Pwad thread.
Does this mean he is working on a real port or is he refering to fireflys port?
"I finished the 1st version of my Heretic PWAD for GP Doom.
The real Heretic GP isn't finished and not very advanced so I decided to make a good "skin" for GP Doom."

Qouted by Drumaster in the Heretic Pwad thread.
Does this mean he is working on a real port or is he refering to fireflys port?
he means that he is working on the wad of heretic for gpdoom... :rolleyes:
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umm, horscht, no drumaster cant code that good i think (sry!) :ph34r:
drumaster "only" ports some gpdoom pwads, the real heretic was/is ported by firefly.

sry if i understood anything wrong <_<