Need Testers For Uqm Usb Joystick Support


I feel a great disturbance in the source
Nov 1, 2006
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I don't have a cradle so I need some help:

Later today I'm going to put together a test version of Ur-Quan Masters that offers support for USB joysticks in super-melee and, hopefully, also one-player play on the TV-out.

Sign up here and I'll PM you a link later today (> 9 hours from this post). If you can't receive PM's, post your email. I'm hoping I can get at least two or three folks to give good feedback on both how well the joysticks work and also how well TV output works (I've fiddled with VSync) I also need an F200 user to test controls, as I've tweaked them to properly allow pushing up to thrust and moving cursors diagnonally. I don't have an F200 and want to make sure my tweak didn't break anything there.

In case anyone is wondering, I've also managed to make the game's planetary lander smoother than ever, even buttery smooth on the harshest of planets (I use Planet I from Delta Giclas at 087.7, 034.0 as a benchmark) but you have to use the RAM tweak to see the difference. I've also assembled an add-on remixed music pack that includes dozens of great new versions of a lot of the in-game music, including new versions not yet incorporated into the official remix packs.
Pickle said:
hey quack, i just wanted to let you know I completed the story mode to the end and never had one crash. Just in case you havnt.
Awesome to hear that! Maybe I can fix that in this next release :D

Any other takers?? I have one PM from a kind soul willing to test it all out, any others, maybe an F200 user? It won't be but an hour or two, maybe three before I send out the test version.
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norm said:
il test for you, i love this game

hope im not too late i only just got in from work
Nah, it's great that I have another tester. It's a bad time to be asking for this, as everyone is probably going crazy with errands on Christmas weekend . Not me, though..

It's not too late, in fact I am still tweaking it just a little bit to allow reconfiguration of menu controls for joysticks (which is not something UQM seems to allow by default)
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One little thing I suddenly remember:

In melee when arranging the ship collections you can get ship descriptions, only I can't seem to map a button to that ingame. (default is press letter C)
emphy said:
One little thing I suddenly remember:

In melee when arranging the ship collections you can get ship descriptions, only I can't seem to map a button to that ingame. (default is press letter C)
Awesome, I am looking into this right now

edit: OK, I see that in Melee ship selection, it says you can hit "C" for Ship Info, but I've searched through the code and it doesn't appear to be implemented! Additionally, I can't hit c in the default UQM 0.6.2 release on my Linux machine, so I am further convinced this is just broken. I will leave a bug report or leave a post on their forums. I fixed another bug in the code earlier, so will have to do one anyways.
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xcen said:
I never got the game working back in 2006 =P
but it's almost 2008 now! I have a F200, a Cradle and 3 usb joysticks, if you need me let me know

Yes, I sure could use the help.. I am nearing completion of my supplemental joystick configurator. UQM2X will feature better joystick support and customization than any other version, even the direct PC version.

Any other testers are welcome to sign up.. I should have something within the next day or so and there will be a bug or two that needs working out. Can't seem to get my hands on a cradle here in the US very easily at the moment.
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