sleep is for wimps
Game in question i used to have on the amiga.
Was a shootem up with fantastic arcade quality graphics at the time, basically the power ups were extra parts to you ship which were physically bolted on to it making it bigger and giving you extra fire power.
By bolted on i don't mean satelite things but phyically made your shipper bigger and look different. Think there were five levels if i remember correctly.
If anyone can name it did it come out for ST. Hope so as its my alltime favourite shootem-up
Anyone know of any similar games on any other platforms as i don't recall seeing any. Haven't come across any in mame whihc i thought i might.. would love to know of any.
While i think of it ... heh ..this one is a total long shot as, i have very little info to give on it.
Its a C64 game that i never recall seeing in the shop as a kid so might not be wel known but you never know may jerk someones memory
Basically its a side scrolling shootem up.
Remeber the level took place outside, back grounds were like trees and blue sky (great description i know :rolleyes: )
You could go backwards and forwards in the level and in the midddle was a 2 story building which you could go in and walk about (can't remember what for
) Think you actually parked your ship (whihc was red )in there was kind of like your base. lol :lol: Thats about us much as my memory serves me... like i said not much to go on but its bugging the hell out of me so much that i may have to go and search through gamebase 64 15,000 screenshots of c64 games to find it!
Rather not though
Was a shootem up with fantastic arcade quality graphics at the time, basically the power ups were extra parts to you ship which were physically bolted on to it making it bigger and giving you extra fire power.
By bolted on i don't mean satelite things but phyically made your shipper bigger and look different. Think there were five levels if i remember correctly.
If anyone can name it did it come out for ST. Hope so as its my alltime favourite shootem-up
Anyone know of any similar games on any other platforms as i don't recall seeing any. Haven't come across any in mame whihc i thought i might.. would love to know of any.
While i think of it ... heh ..this one is a total long shot as, i have very little info to give on it.
Its a C64 game that i never recall seeing in the shop as a kid so might not be wel known but you never know may jerk someones memory
Basically its a side scrolling shootem up.
Remeber the level took place outside, back grounds were like trees and blue sky (great description i know :rolleyes: )
You could go backwards and forwards in the level and in the midddle was a 2 story building which you could go in and walk about (can't remember what for
Rather not though