Damn, I'm stuck trying to remember the name of a game I used to play wayback on my 386.
Each level consisted of a single screen, containing a boss with a bunch of territory around him. You were a little ship that could move along the edge of the territory. The idea was to leave the edge and "eat" slices of territory by flying your ship around them, and thus separating them.
While you were separated from the edge however, you were vulnerable to the boss, and even if he (or a bullet) touched your trail, a red ball would follow you and hit you if you didn't get back to the edge quickly enough.
You won a level by reducing a boss' territory enough that it'd die.
I probably didn't explain that very well... I've already tried explaining it to Google with little success. Do any of you hew-mons know which game this is?
It would be sweet to have it on the GP2X as well... but that's another story
Each level consisted of a single screen, containing a boss with a bunch of territory around him. You were a little ship that could move along the edge of the territory. The idea was to leave the edge and "eat" slices of territory by flying your ship around them, and thus separating them.
While you were separated from the edge however, you were vulnerable to the boss, and even if he (or a bullet) touched your trail, a red ball would follow you and hit you if you didn't get back to the edge quickly enough.
You won a level by reducing a boss' territory enough that it'd die.
I probably didn't explain that very well... I've already tried explaining it to Google with little success. Do any of you hew-mons know which game this is?
It would be sweet to have it on the GP2X as well... but that's another story