N64 Completely Impossible?

How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

Yea, that aside. Conkers Bad Fur day was exactly 64MBs.
Ze_ro posted on Dec 9 2005 at 01:11 AM said:
I think a bigger problem that might be impossible to overcome is the lack of RAM here... there are a number of cartridges that are larger than the GP2X's RAM (Not to mention that some of that RAM is taken up by the emulator itself as well as the RAM of the emulated N64).

I guess that is the least problem to think of when creating an N64 Emulator for the GP2x ;)

Only a few games where 512Mbit big, meaning 64Mbyte, the exact same size of the ram, however it's true there still needs to be some ram left. The majority of games would work, only a few like Resident Evil 64 and Conkers BFD used 512MBit Carts...
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